Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bay Area Open – Arrival

The day dawned bright and early Saturday morning. I arose and… well you get it. So I jump in my car and headed towards the freeway, getting about five minutes out when it dawned on me that I hadn’t printed my army list out. So I had to turn around and go home to print out the dang things. I figured since my wife’s computer was on I would use it. Not waiting for a computer to boot is faster right?

Wrong, her print is so friggen’ slow. But no big deal, I had left plenty of time and after picking up my buddy I managed to make it on site around 9am. With check-in starting at 9:30 and first round at 10 I was solid.

The second headache of the day was check in. Frontline Gaming did a great job promoting their event. Perhaps even to great of a job. With 50 fantasy players, 10 or something fluff 40k players and near 150 40k players, they were so over booked that they were unable to check people in. They started early, around 9 I was told, to help compensate. Even with that they weren’t done and ready to start rounds until 11:30. I didn’t even bother to get into the check-in line until after 11 – and the line was still over 30 people when I finally got in. Heck, people were still arriving (very late) as I was getting in line. I think the main problem was one computer. While I understand they didn’t want to assume everyone was there, and then have blank spots I think a better step would have been to have those blank spots, and then either put a wait list person into that spot or move a solo player to a table with another solo player. Then they would just need to write down who was missing and who was added and fix the pairs while everyone was playing. I can’t imagine they had a lot of data entry once round 1 was in progress (and with no soft scores I don’t think they had much data entry during any round).

So with plenty of time to walk around and look I did my normal meet and greet and army examination. This year I saw four armies I didn’t want to play. Two of them were very similar chaos dwarf armies, my friend’s all skink lizardman and another mostly skink lizard man with two slanns. As you’ll see once I post my matches, on day one I played THREE of these lists. This should explain my mid-event post about day one being VERY rough. I’m happy with how I did on each of those games and (spoiler!) even though I lost two I felt that in both cases there were points where I could have come out ahead.

Also, this event marks my first where I actually managed to take mid-game pictures. What this will mean is that hopefully I’ll be able to figure out how to not just have all the pictures appear at the end, but will be able to place the pictures into my write up. In the past I’ve only been using the app on my phone for posting, so I’m not sure of the capabilities if I were to actually use my computer (I’m assuming I can since I’ve seen others do it). I also took some better notes during the game, only getting myself in trouble once (as it seemed Alex hadn’t brought enough lists for every opponent to keep, shame Alex).

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