Sunday, May 5, 2013

Davis Doubles Story

                Commander Tik’ta’cha kneeled and bowed his scaled head.  His mind was awhirl. It was hard to focus, as when he stayed out in the sun on a hot summer’s day.  He tensed with alarm as the smell of hated ratmen filled the area.  He held his position, though, as his lord and g-d the dreaded Loq-Kai had commanded.  Tik’ta’cha tried to remember what he was doing before the filthy smell entered his mind.  Vaguely he recalled the Slann sending him out with a contingent of his army to investigate a vision, a premonition that the ratmen would be attack a spawning pit.  Tik’ta’cha despised the filthy ratmen and the way they corrupted everything they touched.  He would proudly remove them from the face of his jungle and purge their nests below.

                Warlord Squelch repressed a snicker.  The lizard-thing was actually bowing to him, kneeling in loyalty.  Squelch’s tail whipped with pleasure, knocking the helms of the stormvermin below him.  His mind whirled with the possibilities, of the promises given to him by the floppy man-thing head gear he had found in a ruined above ground cave.  And such glory it had promised him; the power beyond that of a greyseer, a seat at the head of the council of thirteen, and warpstone… wonderful, powerful, glorious warpstone.  With the power bestowed upon him, rightfully of course, Squelch would conquer all of Skavenblight and then the surface world.  But first the man-thing that spoke into his mind required the enslavement and destruction of the lizard-things, something that Squelch was more than happy to achieve.  He could feel the power coursing through his body as he bent the will of the lizard-thing to his own.  Soon he would have full control of the lizard-thing and through him, his minions.  He would send them back against their master, cleansing their breeding pits and then their temple, claiming it as his own… and he would feast, and it would be glorious.

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