Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Quake City Rumble – Preparation

For QCR I have decided to go back to the Dark Elves.  I have decided though that they need a face lift given QCR’s composition system.  The list I have decided to play is:

Supreme Sorceress, General, Level 4, death, lifetaker, pendant of khaeleth, tome of furion

Sorceress, level 2, lore of metal, dispel scroll
Master, BSB, great weapon, heavy armor, sea dragon cloak, repeater crossbow, black dragon egg, charmed shield, dragonbane gem

6 Dark Riders, crossbows, banner, musician
6 Dark Riders, crossbows, banner, musician
6 Dark Riders, crossbows, banner, musician
6 Dark Riders, crossbows, banner, musician
6 Dark Riders, crossbows, banner, musician
5 Harpies
5 Harpies

9 Shades, extra hand weapons
9 Shades, extra hand weapons

Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower

Dark Elf Assassin, manbane, rending stars, additional hand weapons
Dark Elf Assassin, manbane, rending stars, additional hand weapons

The big change in the list versus what I normally run is no Hydras.  I think that’s a huge concession to QCR’s magically unknown composition system.  For those 350 points I have snagged 2 bolt throwers and 10 harpies, being forced to drop the warrior bane from BSB and iron curse icon from sorceress to make up the slight difference in points.

While I think the loss of the hydras is huge, as their flame templates often was what allowed me to take out larger blocks, I think the bolt throwers will help counter monsters and armored units.  While the assassins help with that, I think they could use a little back up.  The harpies will allow me to draw out defensive lines to get to warmachines without having to risk a dark rider unit or character so even though they don’t shoot I feel they can participate.  I know this isn’t as strong of a list, but that is sort of the point.

The question is though, will my composition score still be dropped anyways.  I always want to submit a few lists to see how they scale.  I expect that I will still have a very low score, because it’s an avoidance list with strong magic.  And because I’m Josh, and there is heavy speculation that issues besides the list factor into the scores.  I would hope that they are honest, and the group has some great people in it, but that doesn’t make it true.

You’ve seen the harpies as a hobby project over the month of June, and I plan to use my spear man eaters as my bolt throwers.  They just throw really fast and hard.  I also tested the list once at the June CoC, where it comped at -4 due to the pendant of khaeleth and the general amount of magic items.

The loss of the hydras also opens up the characters to a lot more direct attention to warmachines, which I fear will ultimately be the downfall of the list.  That and getting through hoards of elves – though a few wounds on the hydras was quite effective in knocking the breath template down to the level of useless.

The loss of 2 drops for the adding of 3 drops probably isn’t what I need, but it’s just for this event (and the CoC test run).  I’ll be adding back at least one hydra for Northstar in November, which I think will be my next 2 day GT.  Wish me luck.

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