Friday, November 8, 2013

Infernal Zoo – Arrival

The Davis guys (Alex anyways), runs a great event, and I was looking forward to this one.  As you have already heard, I just like to kick back and stomp away with some monsters.  I tried to build my list to kill other monsters as well.  Looking around the room I saw lots of Magma Dragons, T8, S7 with a S7 breath weapon.  Oh, and 7 wounds.  Not good.  Worse, I would find that their rule pertaining to getting hit (all non-magical attacks being at -1S) had been changed to all non-magical attacks have to reroll to wound.  So my already needing 6s needed 6s twice.  Thanks Alex.  Would have been better to say all wounds that would normally not be able to wound (in this case S1 being reduced to S0) would need 6s and reroll and everything else was just -1S.  Also for some reason the MAGMA dragon’s breath weapon was ruled to be NOT flaming.  This was actually good for me, but still a VERY silly ruling.

There was about an even split at 23 players between the bay area’s L2, my GNW and the Davis Bizarro Hammer.  The first 2 round were based on the predetermined comp, out of 15 (I got a 9!), and the entire day was paired with clubs in mind as there was a club challenge, the highest club’s average (first drop the high and the low, and then average the rest – comp and battle) won the club challenge.  Just to spoil it, L2 won the club challenge, GNW would win overall and someone not in any of them would win sports.  The general awards were swept by GNW I think, with L2 and GNW splitting up the painting prizes, dominated still by L2 a little I think.

I also figured out early that I forgot my display board, but that was ok as my paint already capped out and all of my tables were actually adjacent (I played on only 3 different tables in all 5 games).

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