Our first match was against Kevin and Tony of the local Bizarrohammerclub. Their list, resorted to be onelist, was as follows:
Archmage, Level 4, Death Magic, Annulian Crystal
Grey Seer, all plague, 2 extra warpstone tokents, dispel scroll
Chieftain, bsb, shield, ruby ring of ruin
Warlock Engineer, doomrocket
24 Sea Guard, champion, standard bearer, banner of eternal flame
25 Clanrats, full command, poisoned wind mortar
20 Clanrats, full command, warpfire thrower
20 Slaves, musician, shields
14 Phoenix Guard, full command, banner of sorcery
14 Sword Master, full command, banner of swiftness
2 Rat Ogres, master moulder
Great Eagle
Hell Pit Abomination
This list looked like a good challenge. Big block of shooting, two level 4 casters with strong lore and anabomination… and lots of power dice. Their objective in designing their lists was to dominate the magicphase, and with us not even bringing lords (and only 1 level 2) it happened notonly this game but the others. AtAdepticon we won’t have nearly this level of difficulty, I believe, since noonly player will be allowed core.
The mission was banners, with each player breaking on its ownpoints. I had 5 points, 3 banners andgeneral and Sean had 3 points, 1 banner and general. The Skaven had 5 points and the high elvesalso had 5.
The table had one mysterious forest in the center, rolling a 6 forwounds on a 4+ at the end of the movement phase. Also the tower in the top left deploymentzone allowed for 4 changes to channel, with 3 causing a miscast (even whenchanneling dispel dice).
For deployment, our opponents placed the two clanrat units on the left,with the characters in the rear most unit with the poisoned wind mortar, thenthe rat ogres and abomination. Next werethe high elves, the phoenix guard with the wizard next to the sword masters andthe archers behind. The right flank washeld by the slaves and lastly the eagle (angled to cover the massive hole theyleft on their flank. I’m not sure theyfollowed the modified deployment, those units on the left look really far over.
Following the modified deployment, we deployed hard on the 15”line. From left to right, a unit of mydark riders, both units of terradons and Sean’s general. Then a massive line of skinks, the flamers, ahydra, more skinks and lastly my last two units of dark riders and Sean’sbanner unit. My general went center-ishto cover the hydra from panic (though with an army as small and spread out asmine it wasn’t probably needed).
Sean placed one unit of chameleons on the left, two hard right and myshades went in position to also turn the right flank. On the right I vanguarded around theimpassible terrain and hard up center (with an impassible terrain piece to beprotected from the slaves). On the leftall three units vanguarded behind the impassible sphinx.
We rolled off, and they got the first turn and it started with abang. The eagle made a charge on thecenter dark rider units, taking a wound and getting into combat. The abomination made a hard move towardscenter of 13 inches, threating the core of skinks. In the magic phase the list showed itsstrength with a 5 SK/7 HE PD versus 3 LM/2 DE DD. This with 5 warpstones (he rolled a 3, yay!)waiting made for a threating magic phase. The phase starts out with Ruby Ring on the chamealons, which wedispelled. A cast of plague kills 4 darkriders, panicking them. A failed attemptto dispel spirit leech fails and does a few wounds to the hydra. The mortar misfires without anythinghappening and 2 skinks die to bow fire. The eagle takes a wound.
Our turn 1, and the dark riders fail to rally. The terradons move up, one dropping rocks onthe warpfire thrower, killing it and the other on the rat ogres, causing awound to the master mouldor. Our rightflank advances, with the hydra and salamanders moving up to flame the swordmasters. Also the skinks move tosurround the abomination. Our magicphase of 2 LM/1 DE PD versus 2 SK/2HE DD leads to a whole lot of nothing. In shooting we panic the slaves, kill half thesword masters and put 4 wounds on the abomination. We also kill 4 phoenix guard and the mastermouldor.
On their turn 2 the phoenix guard charge the skinks, causing them toflee. This flight also triggers theneighboring skink unit is panicked. Theswordmasters declare a charge into a unit of salamanders, which flees andallows for a redirection into the hydra. The slaves fail to rally and the rat ogres fail their stupidity test. The abomination, now free of its skinkescorts, turns 90 degrees and moves 14” towards the skink unit. A 5 SK/5 HE PD versus 2 LM/1 DE DD phase waspartially saved with a miscast caused by the terrain piece (killing 4 clanrats,taking away all of the skaven dice and wounding the greyseer). Even with the reduction of half their dice,the HE still puts a Doom and Darkness onto a fleeing unit of skinks. Spirit Leech then kills all remaininghandlers on the fleeing salamander unit (which fails its handler test andbecomes unbreakable – should it ever rally). In combat the dice aren’t with me and the hydra is killed and theyoverrun into the unit of flamers.
Our turn 2 and we sweep in for some points. My shades flank the now single linesswordmasters. The terradons also charge,one into the clanrat unit to snipe the greyseer and the other into theremaining weapons team. My dark riderunit fails to rally, again, and runs off the table. Strong magic phase of 4 LM/4 DE PD versus 3SK/4HE DD allows us to kill a rat ogre with the ring and pull the scroll on aspirit leech on the hell pit. Inshooting we manage to kill off the hell pit (which thankfully stays dead). In combat we kill the grey seer, but long thecombat with the last two terradons run off. We also kill the weapons team. Inthe combat with the swordmasters we lose a salamander, take a wound on theassassin and swordmasters down to just the banner and champion (and tie thecombat – lots of skinks died as well).
On their turn three the rat ogres pass the stupidity test and chargethe fleeing terradons, failing to catch them. The archers flee the archers, which also get away. Skinks flee from the phoenix guard, onceagain panicking another unit. This timethe unit is caught, ejecting the phoenix guard out of effective range for us totarget on the next turn. The front unitof clanrats also a charge, with the chameleon’s fleeing. Another huge 5 SK/7 HE PD versus 3 LM/3 DE DDphase sees only one skink being killed by Spirit leech. Due to the phoenix guard catching the skinks,the HE were unable to direct their magic at any effective targets. Assassin dies, but not without killing offswordmasters.
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