Monday, April 15, 2013

Next Steps – Adepticon – 2400 Points

For Adepticon, I’m making some slight alterations to the list (besides dropping 100 points). This event is a 20/0 system, like the CoCs. Unlike the CoCs there is no composition score and all special characters are welcome. I’m going to hope for mainly soft wins, though against certain armies (and my wizard not killing herself) I have shown that I can push through to a cleared table. What I’m thinking is as follows:

Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Lore of Death, Lifetaker, Pendant of Khaeleth, Tome of Furion (no change)

Sorceress, Level 2, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon (drop mask, add icon)

Master, BSB, heavy armor, sea dragon cloak, repeater crossbow, black dragon egg, charmed shield, dragonbane gem, warrior bane (no change)

4 units of 6 dark rider, banner, musician, crossbows (one less unit)

2 units of 9 shades, additional hand weapons (upped units to 9)

2 Hydras (no change)

2 Assassins, rending stars, manbane (dropped cloak of shadows and hand of khain).

So the big change in the unit is the loss of the fifth unit of dark riders for the increased wounds on the shades. Coincidently, this raises unit cost to the exact same as a unit of dark riders, though there will not be a chance of my dropping one for another unit of dark riders. I think that the increased wounds will give the Assassin the longer support that he requires, both in terms of killing monsters and in combat, but also keeping the Assassin as a skirmisher. The loss of the cloak and hand were happening either way, as I never actually used them – and not because I forgot. They just weren’t worth it.

I also dropped the terrifying mask of eee! I still like the idea of it in the list, and feels it has a place, but unfortunately I had to cut something to make the points work out. The list is still 7 points shy, and I’m debating between upgrading the Master’s weapon to either causing fear or always wounding on 5s or just leaving him with minimal magic attacks and not giving up the extra 5 points should he die. I would love to give him sword of striking to give him a chance to hit on 2s with hatred, but am unwilling to drop something for the extra 5 points. In the end I think I’ll probably switch to the always wound on 5s over causing fear, after all, he’s designed to kill monsters and wounding on 6s is worse than hitting on 5s with hatred.

Adepticon doesn’t require lists to be submitted early, so I’m free to change the list as I like until the day of.

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