Final round and playing on one of the two top tables. Ed and Mike had tied Van and MIkko, making
two teams going into the last round at 3-0-1.
Ed and Mike are out of the bay area and Leadership 2. Both of these guys are top table, national
class players in their own right and here they were teamed up with hot
lists. Unfortunately I didn’t take home
a copy of their lists, though I know they gave them to me. I must have just left them on the couch. I did my best recreating as I could recall,
though I haven’t checked the points to see if I’m near correct. As you’ll find out soon, what was in their
list didn’t really matter. Ed was
playing Ogres, and his list was better than mine. Mike was playing a great warriors list that
he was using as practice for his upcoming Bragging Rights experience.
For mission we had a 50/50 shot of either Blood & Glory or Battle
for the Pass. Going in we knew that
B&G would be a near auto loss, as we would be just 12 skinks or 1 old blood
away from Chris picking up his entire army.
Battle for the Pass would also be bad, as a limited range to move meant
that with the lots of small units in their army, Ed and Mike would be able to
choke up the board and prevent us from maneuvering. Their list was (as close as I could recreate
at least):
Daemon Price, mark of tzeench (he was a +1 armor, 4+ ward), dragonbase
gem, daemonic flight, heals in combat on 6s, sword of striking
Slaughtermaster, glittering scales, ironcurse icon, fencer’s blades,
crown of command
Chaos Hero, disk, mark of tzeench, BSB, talisman of preservation,
re-roll ward save (he was 2+ armor, rerolling ward saves of 1 with a +3
wardsave – hello internet)
Sorcerer, mark of slannash, lore of shadow, dispel scroll, steed of
slannashFirebelly, dispel scroll, level 2
Bruiser, BSB, 4+ wardsave
Chariot, mark of slannash
Chariot, mark of slannash5 Marauder Cavalry, mark of slannash, banner, musician
5 Marauder Cavalry, mark of slannash, banner, musician
5 dogs, poison
5 dogs, vanguard
9 Ironguts
Gore Chariots, mark of nurgle
Gore Chariots, mark of nurgle2 Mournfang, banner, banner of eternal flame, iron fists, heavy armor
2 Mournfang, iron fists, heavy armor
I think this was the complete list, and very nasty.
For spells they took Miasma on their level 1, fireball and flame cage
on the firebelly and bone crusher, trollguts, brain gobbler and toothcracker on
the slaughtermaster.
We took Iceshard on the skink and tooth cracker, brain gobbler,
spinemarrow and bone crusher on the slaughermaster.
We roll off and they get the first turn.
They use their first turn to advance down the entire line and making
sure every single pathway is blocked despite the gigantic hill messing up line
of sight. Chris and I had already
realized we weren’t going to be able to do anything but be pushed into the back
of the board. All that high armor saves
meant big trouble. In a 9/6 magic phase
they fail miasma, fireball a tusk which panics a skink unit and then uses the
ogre panic spell to get the ironblaster to run off the table. Suck, and bad rolls for dispel (and I thought
the ironblaster was LD8, not LD7).
Our turn 1 and the skinks rally.
We decide that if we are going to lose, it won’t be on the back board
edge, so we move up to try to do what we can.
An 8/6 magic phase has us putting ice shard on the bulls, and then
casting the panic spell, which they dispel.
The magic missile then fails to wound.
We take of the charmed shield, which I realized I didn’t put on the list
So let us just be clear before we go into their second turn. We saw this coming, we weren’t surprised and
we saw it happening at some point in the game so it might as well be on our
terms… that and we were really tired.
This is the first time I’ve used 2 full sheets in my note book for just
1 turn. Basically what happens in their
charge, with everything (well not everything, 1 sabertusk got lost in the
forest and forgotten and the fast cavalry unit with the miasma caster as they
wanted to maintain the extra channeling off of the terrain piece. The combats were:
Daemon Prince
charges man eaters, taking a wound on the stand and shoot
1 Slannash and 1
Nurgle chariot charge chameleons on flank
Mournfang charge
Ironguts charge
Sabertusk, marauder
riders and 3 wolves charge a skink unit, the sabertusk dies to stand and shoot
Mournfang into the
1 Slannash and 1
Nurgle chariot charge ranked skinks
Hero on disk charges
Dogs charge skinks
A 7/3 magic phase as them putting a buffed -1 miasma on the man eaters
and we dispel panic on the carnisor. In
combat we kill 2 dogs (but not a unit), and do 1 wound to each mournfang. We lose:
2 Units of Skinks
Ranked Skinks
Priest on Steg
(which holds)
Unit of gnoblars, 6
from another unit (which flees and escapes – and live through the game!)
Man eaters, after
failing their fear test.
There are also some over runs:
Gore Chariot into
Iron guts into
Man eaters into
Gore chariot and
last dog into skinks
BSB into man eaters
to fight again!
Our turn 2 and we do the obvious thing, we COUNTER CHARGE! Skinks and Ogres go into mournfang. Carni goes into the ironguts. The three charges together leaves not enough
space so my Ironguts fail. My 4 gnoblars
fail to rally. We roll a 3/3 magic
phase. Mike decides not to risk the
carni being stubborn and dispels it with a scroll. The salamaders kill a dog which then run off the
table. We kill the dogs on the other
side. Skinks and gnoblars lose combat,
both getting away. We kill 1 mournfang
with the steg and the combat holds. The
salamaders die in combat. The carni
kills the champ, the skinks do 2 wounds and then the skinks die, losing us
combat and the carni gets run down and over run into my ironguts (and get a 10
for the impact hits!)
On Mike and Ed’s turn 3 they take a moment to think and then do the
only thing that makes sense… they flee… I mean CHARGE! The gore chariot and a regular chariot goes
into the salamandars. Their BSB flanks
my ironguts. The sabertusk into the
gnoblars, a chariot into the stegadon and skinks flee from the fast cavalry. A sad 2/1 magic phase still has them miasma
-2 WS on my ironguts. The salamanders
get run down. 2 wounds are put on the
steg, doing 1 to the mournfang. I kill
the firebell at the cost of my entire irongut unit and both characters (I win?)
ON our turn 3 and the steg dies in combat (my gnoblars don’t rally)
Their turn 4 and they chase one gnoblar unit off the table. Our turn 4 and we don’t do anything. Their turn 5 and they try to kill the last
three gnoblars but only get 3. Our turn
5 and the last model we have, a running gnoblar goes on vacation, denying Ed
and Mike the pleasure of killing our last model. In the end we get a rough beating.
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