Saturday, January 18, 2014

Player Packet

Even though I have been busting my butt painting for my own events, I have still managed to work on the upcoming 2014 Contest of Champions.  After some careful thought I have decided not to change the points values from past years.  I am changing every single score, so I figured I should leave something the same.  Plus, with an early february event, and more than a few out of towners, I didn't want anyone coming with the wrong list.  So the calendar with points values will be:

February 8th
April 26th
June 14th
August 23rd
October 25th
December 13th

As of me writing this version 2 is out with three of the other local event coordinators for Draft 2 review.  Remember, my normal postings are always  few days behind, so I think as this posts its actually 6 days after I write.  So hopefully I have received comments and will shortly announce the packet.  I am going to before I leave for Waaagh!PACA, but no later than the end of the month.  That will still be just over a week before the first event.  None of the changes are really anything that a player can plan for, so I'm not too worried about the late release.  In the long run people may change their armies, like painting to a higher standard, but nothing that would effect February's event.

After some consideration I have changed the balance of the points in the overall category.  The biggest change is the removal of the old 30 points in composition.  Now awards or penalties will add or subtract directly from the battle score.  I have maintained the 30 point swing though, so thats familiar.  The new breakdown of points will be something like:

The total number of points available:
Possible Points
% of Total
Judge’s Points
Player’s Choice
- - -

Thats out of a  total of 135 points.

This system has an increase in a few points in Sports and an added new Judge's points.  Judge's points aren't worth much, but could make the difference in overall (which is the only place that matters) if things get really close.  Judge's points are really just about getting your paperwork in on time.  There are 4 times paperwork is needed, and therefore 4 times you can make it hard on judges.  I took this from Waaagh!PACA.  I think this year they have something like 10 or 15 points, which I think comes out of their sports.

The appearance system will likely be where both the biggest and most minor changes will be seen.  For the normal player, they probably won't even see a change.  I have taken the old system and tried to make sure that they will get the same score as before.  And thats all that will count for overall.  For those actually in contention for the best painted award though, they will see the most change.  Basically, i have a much larger check list, stolen and modified from adepticon, that I will be using for the paint prize.

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