Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WaaaghPACA! – Preparation

Well, with the start of Waaagh!PACA this means my blog has been around for a year.  I must be stupid.  Ok, now on to the post:

I decided that I was going to switch to High Elves for at least the beginning of 2014. Due to that sale back in October I’ve stocked up enough to finish any number of projects.  But for now I’ve been enjoying the movement control army, and based on the last Infernal Zoo, I’m also enjoying the monster mash army.  So I decided to combine them (no surprise, this isn’t my first post).  (NOTE:  This post was written something like a month ago.  Since then I've decided this list is pretty horrible and I will be playing Dark Elves come Adepticon/SAWS... after the hobby for those events I will be returning to my Chaos Dwarves).

Here is my list:

Anointed of Asuryan, General, Flamespyre Phoenix, Charmed Shield, Golden Crown of Atrazar, Star Lance, The Other Trickster’s Shard

Dragon Mage of Caledor, dragon armor, level 2 wizard (lore of fire), enchanted shield, dispel scroll, relic blade, luckstone, potion of foolhardiness

6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, spears, bows
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, spears, bows
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, spears, bows
5 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, spears
5 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, spears

Flamespyre Phoenix
Flamespyre Phoenix

So simple army, and only 53 wounds.  I decided to go with the weaker monsters because they work well with my movement control.  I also think they work well in the environment which I will go into more when I go over the rules for the event.  The reavers are really there just because I have to have the core.  With half the shots of the dark riders, and knowing how little dark riders do, I don’t expect them to do much except kill chaff, warmachines and maybe do a little late game clean up (and be mobile fortitude).

The characters are decked out to provide a little extra pop to their monsters.  I figure they won’t see combat more than once or twice during each game.  The lord is decked out to live through cannons while the mount dies, given that if he dies first he can’t be reborn with the phoenix.  Bad matchups may come down to hoping to roll lots of 6s to come back to life… and with my experience with abominations that’s a fairly pathetic hope.  What the phoenix will probably actually do is create little areas where my reavers can’t run, so basically just hurting me ;).

My magic is basically nothing.  Yes I have a level 4 caster, but with only 2 spells and lore of fire.  For defense I have no wizard and a dispel scroll, so it’s going to hurt.  At least my initiative his high enough to risk allowing things like sun and pit and my strength is high enough (or units small enough) not to really worry about dwellers.  If I get lucky, I will only have to worry about a few low end magic missiles.

Ogres are going to be the hard match up for this army, along with probably chaos warriors and other high armor units.  Tree wood elves could be fun, given that the phoenix are magical flaming, even though they will have high toughness (yay, my army is good enough to beat a low end army!).

I’m really just hoping to have a blast and 8 great games.  Last year I went to win, got 14th (should have been 5th but for paint points I disagree with), but this year I’ll be happy with just having a great time.

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