Monday, February 17, 2014

Hobby Update - The Return

So as you've probably already realized I have been very bad and havent hobbied in the last three days. Fortunately I have the day off so I am going to be able to get a good amount done, I hope. The goal is to catch up on everything that I've missed over the last three days and hopefully get started on the plague monks mounting. I really need to get these guys done so that I can get working on the green stuff, as I still need to figure out I'm going to do it.

Wings on

Casters mounted with a very nice background. 


Mmm… movement trays
My desk was getting cluttered so I decided to get the trays done earlier in the process to keep things more organized. Blank spaces are for those characters. 

Switched around the order and added the cork. The order of the wolves will be finalized later in the process due to the cloth possibly taking enough space to factor in. 
They actually fit pretty well. 

Test look for riders. Its between more monks or stormvermin. Leaning towards stormvermin. Will be easier and I think makes more sense for chicken knights. 

And a units worth of plague monks ready to go onto the wolves. 

First unit mounted up

Went back and worked on the green stuff on the bugs. When I first did it i hadnt finished all the details because i wasnt sure where i was going to put the legs. Now that the legs are set I went back and filled in some more of the gaps. i also added a layer over the wing bulbs as I didnt like how the joint fit together. 

Just a little smoothing over. Here is a before and after. (Ish , i worked on it a little more. 

Goal for the next three days:

1. Mount last 8 monk riders
2. Mount, arm and head stormvermin
3. Figure out what third bolt thrower will be
4. Bits order
5. Foam order, going to have to be pluck. 

Friday i got a friend who has agreed to show me the cloth ropes. 

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