Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last Lunch of the Week

Got half the weapon arms assembled. Hopefully this weekend (labor day) there will be a sale and ill be able to pick up what Im missing for these guys; 6 stormvermin bodies. Also will pick up the rest of my 1850 list. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lunch Break Update

So its been a few days since Ive updated. Reason being is the last few lunches Ive been slogging alway cleaning mold lines on weapons and arms. Tomorrow I finally get to start putting hand weapon on skaven arms. 

Progress just seems so slow. Only 60 minutes of break and I need to eat in that time doesnt leave me much to work with. Hopefully Ill be able to make some progress on the vehicles as home. Also, a sale on labor day will see me picking up the rest of my 1850 list. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Lunch Update

Today I managed to finish cleaning the guns. The next step is to get the arms ready. I had learned working to make the Chaos Dwarves that I didnt like working with the Stormvermin arms when converting. A little size comparison showed that the old Clan Ratswere similarly sized.  More important, the normally cartoony sized hands fit the pistols much better. 

Originally I pulled arms to put most of the pistols on the right side. 23 arms, since 2 of the models will have flamers. This will mean Ill have 2 extra pistols, but thats ok as im sure there are a few where I messed up drilling barrels. 

Didnt have time to finish. 

As I was cleaning up I realized that the clan rat arms I have to work with wont work as well replacing the close combat weapons. Most of the the useful armsfor hand  weapons is on the same size as where Im putting the pistols. I therefore spent my last few minutes pulling more arms. 

Through Thursday I hope to get the arms full done and ready to be glued to the bodies. This Friday Ill pick up the bodies Im missing and hopefully get some work done on the dreadnoughts. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lunch Update

Two more lunch breaks in and I have 25 pistols cleaned and with drilled barrels. Didnt have time to finish removing the hands, though I did snip off all the arms. 

Anyone wondering where the Chaos Dwarves went to should know they are around here somewhere. They got packed for the remodel. With 8 weeks of no time to hobby it became clear that I wasnt going to meet my October timeline to play them at North Star (pending missions) so I set them aside to work on the project I had planed for after (with a January deadline). 

Ive decided to venture back into 40k , but this time, instead of trying to find a line I like and working within in, I have decided to keep my Vermin theme. 

I am building Clan Skryre Blood Angels. Blood Angels because they can having scoring Dreadnoughts and those seemed to best fit Clan Skryre.  Im still playing around with the list. Ill be building to at least 2500 points, which is a years maximum for tournaments at the 40k CoCs. After that I may spread my wings a little for cool conversions - and of course any updated book. Ive been considering my limited hobby time and my desire to finish both the Chaos Dwarves and their display bosed and have decided to consider contracting painting assistance (it is only 40k after all). We'll see. 

Oddly enough, this will be my third Blood Angels army. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hobby Time Catch Up

Yay, hobby time. 20 stormvermin bodies clipped, cleaned and glued during my lunch break. Hopefully Ill keep up on the lunch time hobby time. 

Also had a friday the other day I forgot to post about. Dreadnaught getting a little conversion. Waiting on the magnets to arrive for the arms before moving forward. 

The second dread clipped, cleaned and with some assembly. Waiting for me to figure out the first one. 

Some basic work done on a landraider/battle wagon. Nothing actually glued yet. Still working on what I want the kit to look like when done. Will probably come back to it after the dreads. 

Im also caught up on the SAWS battle reports and CoC mission discussions. They should start back up over the next few days.