Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February Contest of Champions – Round 3 – Van Nguyen – Ogres

Van is another player from my club, and not usually one I see at the top table (don’t get me wrong, he’s a good player, I’ll get to the why). Usually Van plays Orcs and Goblins, and by usually I mean up until now. Turns out Van had purchased an Ogre army and that will be his cup of tea from now on. But before we got to the table I was feeling pretty confident. Van and I had played before while I was practicing for Waaagh!PACA, and I knew even with him knowing how my list works I could beat him. Then I walk up to the table and see Van’s Ode to the Internet.

Slaughtermaster, Level 4, Lore of the Great Maw, Dispel Scroll, Fencer’s Blades, Seed of Rebirth, Ironcurse Icon, General

Bruiser, Heavy Armor, Great Weapon, BSB, Talisman of Preservation, Potion of Foolhardiness.

Firebell, Level 2, Lore of Fire, Great Weapon, Hellheart

11 Ironguts, full command, standard of discipline

4 Maneaters, all brace of pistols, poison, scout, Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame




Iron blaster

Iron blaster

The mission was similar to the tower mission, but instead of a tower there was a token. Picked up on a 4+ and worth 200 points by the unit that held it. Dying or fleeing were the only ways to get it to drop. Challenges were also worth an extra 50 points to the victor. Normal Battleline deployement.

Deployment for the ogres was kitty in each corner to prevent scouts, plus a second on the right side. Center got the death star with the characters and an iron blaster next to the star, one on each side. My deployment was evenly spaced riders to prevent his scout from back field, and both hydras on my leftish center hiding behind a building. BSB and general to support hydras and metal caster in the open on the right. I rolled to place scouts first and put center mast on right flank to ensure advantageous vanguards. He deployed in the center near the objective and I played my second unit on the right center. I then vanguarded a unit one dark riders strongly on the sides, and the other two to mid-field on the outer center position on each side of the maneaters.

I rolled and go the first turn. Not moving the centerish riders I put both of the flank units into his backfield. The metal caster moved up between the two right units of dark riders, and the other two characters did the same on the left. One hydra also swung up left while the other stayed behind the building. Van started making comments about being encircled. For magic I put 4 wounds on an iron blaster with death magic. I put a wound each on all three of the kitties, and finished off the left most iron blaster with shooting.

Van’s turn 1 and he moved the kitties up in the vain hope of keeping them alive. He marched all three characters into the man eaters, preventing them from shooting but picking up the token. He magic missiled to remove the charmed shield from my BSB and then killed him with the iron blaster.

My turn 2 and I moved up to maintain the encirclement. In magic I did three wounds to the iron blaster at the cost of my metal wizard. All the kitties died to shooting, as did a few of the ironguts.

Van’s turn 2, and the characters ran back to the iron guts. The iron blaster and maneaters swung to shoot at the hydra behind the building. Magic puts up regeneration on the maneaters. In shooting both the man eaters and iron blaster failed to hit the hydra (-2 due to building coverage and the iron blaster could only see a small corner).

Turn 3 and I keep the encirclement. Magic sets up -3 leadership on man eaters. The iron blaster dies to shooting. The hiding hydra knocks off the regeneration with its flame and shooting knocks the unit down to one model, which passes its panic test, DRAT!

Ogre turn 3 sees more character hoping, dispelling of remains in play and no successful magic cast. Few wounds put on hydra from pistol shooting and moving of the man eaters towards the building in my deployment zone.

My turn 4 and more things die, mostly from the -1T, -3LD (magic) iron guts who refuse to run away.

Van’s turn 4 and the man eaters move into the building, don’t wound with shooting. Some characters move back into the iron guts.

My turn 5 and I try to pick off the last man eater with magic/shooting, along with some more shooting at the ironguts. Building protects the maneater and some more ironguts die, but don’t run away.

Van’s turn 5 and he doesn’t do much… not much for him to do. He does move the firebelly into the building.

My turn 6 and I find myself in a bind. The entire game I’ve been playing a game with the firebelly. Staying outside 25 inches of it, but within 24 inches of whatever target I want to cast on, forcing any hellheart attempt to hit on a 6 only. On my final turn though, I’ve backed my caster into a corner and because the firebelly is now in a building, 24 inches from the last man eater means 24 inches from the hellheart. I roll a 12 for power dice, and van then rolls a 6 for his hellheart. I take a wound, but lose 6 dice leaving me 6 versus his 7 dispel. I am unable to get any magic off. Shooting proceeds, I’m unable to kill of a unit nor cause a panic test (I have the ironguts set up so they have to run off the table if they panic due to lack of space between units – F’ers pass their test).

Game ends with my having killed both iron blasters and three kitties for points (man eaters down to 1 wound, iron guns down to 3 models, wounds on most characters). He killed BSB non in combat and my level 2 died to miscast. Puts him up 50 points. Objective gives him a 250 point 12/8 win. Van spent 2/3rds of the game doing nothing, and yet due to deathstaring I was unable to pull the win. A frustrating loss.

Van pointed out that in the final turns, when the iron guts were down to 4/5 models with only a character or two, I had a chance to put 3 units of dark riders and a hydra into combat, front, rear and flank. He thinks that I could have pushed the unit down so that he couldn’t pass his break test and run it down. I have to admit that it didn’t occur to me at the time, and while I’m not sure it would have been the right play I need to make sure I don’t miss such an opportunity in the future.

Final standings were me at 1 point below the winners (Van and Doc tied for overall, with Doc winning on Sports score tiebreaker). Not bad for a 10 point handicap. I’m thinking I might drop a hydra for 6 points back, give back 2 points on magic items and play at a 6 point handicap in the future. Not sure where those 175 points will go. Perhaps naked hero on peg? Anyways, for April CoC I’m thinking that Vampire list I posted about, clan rats, unpainted terrorgeists and rat ogre on a dragon. What should I use for banshees?

Dark Elf Record for the year: 4/0/1 at Waaagh!PACA, 0/0/1 fun game, 2/1 CoC – so 6/0/3.

February Contest of Champions – Round 2 – Garret Bazurto – Dwarves

I had never played Dwarves with my list before, but knew it would be a hard match up. The comp had been changed so that this year 4 warmachines were allowed for Dwarves before a comp hit, so I knew they would be packing a closer to normal tournament punch. Garret’s list did not disappoint.

Runelord, Gromril Armour, Rune of Stone, Rune of Resistance, Master Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking, general

Thane, BSB, Master Run of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Cleaving

25 Longbeards, shields, full command

31 Warriors, Great weapons, full command

30 Hammerers, full command

Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning

Grudge Thrower, Engineer, 2x Runes of Penetrating, Rune of Accuracy

Organ Gun

Organ Gun

This list did not look like it was something I would be able to beat. Cannon followed by Thrower should mean a hydra a turn, then my characters (cannon) and units (thrower). Each Organ Gun should be a unit a turn. Enough magic defense that I would probably never cast a spell without two 6s, and units so big that with T4 I couldn’t shoot them down and they hydras couldn’t plow through them all. My hope was to kill the warmachines and then run away for a small win, but if he defended them I would have to shoot over his units.

The mission was the tower, but with a few changes. The building was only worth 200 points, could only be held for points by core and wouldn’t admit a unit larger than 20. If unoccupied, the closest core unit controlled it.

Garret rolled to choose sides and choose the side with the forested hill (great, good shooting for him and -1 for me to shoot back). With no units under 20 models the building remained unoccupied. He deployed center-right flank leaving the left flank open. He put his longbeards with both characters in the center, then going right, the hammers, grudge thrower, both organ guns, cannon and the warriors horded against the right board edge. That’s right, he didn’t put a unit in front of the warmachines, yay!

I deployed one unit of riders on the left flank, and everything else on the right. The shades went on the left in his deployment zone. My vanguard moves on the right were tentative, enough to get into charge range of warmachines but not within good charge on his units. The rider on the left moved up fully. We rolled to see who went first and the dwarves got it, drat.

For Dwarves first turn the longbeards reformed to face the shades and block off any route along the board edge. The hammerers moved up, but not enough to open space between them and the longbeards. The hoard on the right moved up as well. For shooting, the organ guns went first. The first hitting the rider unit in the center 6 times, but giving me a break with 3 1s to wound. This forced the second organ gun to follow up on the same unit and kill it off. The cannon then shot at the right most hydra and gave me a 1 to wound. The grudge thrower scattered. Phew to that.

On my turn 1, I charged the right most organ gun with a unit of riders. The hydras advanced, one towards center and one towards the hoard (but staying out of charge range). The metal mage hid behind a building and the death wizard moved up into the center in the safe zone made by the two units. Thoughts were to get within 12 of his characters and the unengaged organ gun. Wasn’t yet thinking about how the winds of magic would work out. The shades on the left backed off and the other two rider units stayed still to maximize shooting. BSB stayed floating to cover both Hydras. After the dust had cleared on my winds of magic I found myself outclassed at 4 power dice to 6 dispel dice and a scroll. So I said F’ it, called the big purple sun and double 6s… and that’s what I got. The template then proceeded to roll a 2 for a 6 inch move, but that was enough to drop the hammerers to 10 models and kill the unengaged organ gun. My wizard then took a vacation into the warp. Worth it? In my shooting I dropped the hammerers to 9 models and plinked a few longbeards. In combat I killed the organ gun, panicing the cannon and over running into the grudge thrower.

Seeing his only method of killing me evaporate, the dwarves turn 2 was one of refocusing. The longbeards turned around to face the grudge thrower combat, the warriors also swung around to face away from the board edge. The hammers started to swing around as well. With no shooting it was a fast turn. The grudge thrower died in combat and the rider unit turned to face the cannon.

My turn 2 and the rider unit charged its third warmachine. The hydra on the right walked up to the hoarded unit and flamed them down to 11 models. A few more hammerers and longbeards died. The cannon died in combat.

Dwarves turn 3 and the warriors reformed to face the hydra. The longbeards reformed to face the building in the center of the board, with the hammerers moving to screen them.

My turn 3 and the hydra charged and finished off the warriors. The hammerers died out to shooting along with a few more longbeards.

Dwarves’ turn 4 saw him running towards the building. My turn 4 and I double charged with the hydras, causing the unit to flee on a failed terror test. After that it was just a series of other charges to control the final location of the dwarves to allow for them to be caught. Boarded opponent with 250 bonus points (2 banners, general and bsb) plus 200 for the building versus just losing my general and a unit to shooting gave me a solid 20/0 win.

You’ll notice that after that first turn I never mentioned magic again. Every phase I was at a minimum of two dice below my opponent, with him still having a dispel scroll and equal to my +2 to cast. With nothing solid on metal magic I just ignored the phase. Good to know I don’t need it to win all the time.

February Contest of Champions – Round 1 – Troy Perez – Wood Elves

So this is actually my second time writing this report. The first one was lost because it seemed the server was down and it meant my file wasn’t saving. Not sure how it didn’t just save to the computer, but there you go. Then I wrote a F’ rewriting post directly on my phone (which is how I post to the blog) and it didn’t upload. So, finding myself with some free time I decided to go ahead and rewrite. It’s been a few extra days so I may not recall as well, but that will be fine since no one reads anyways. Oh, and I suck and don’t have any pictures.

The CoC started fairly on its 10:30 scheduled start time with 24 players. At the end we were told there were extra prizes at 25 people, which I think sucks as we had an odd person they sent away because he was last and without a pair. But whatever, it’s fine. As noted before this year I was taking my Dark Elves and damn the comp, so I was starting out with a 10 point handicap for the event. Since the event was 2,000 points, I just took my Waaagh!PACA list from last month.

The first mission for the day was Battle for the Pass, straight out of the book. I was paired off with my club mate Troy Perez. The CoCs doesn’t count clubs for the locals, just the out-of-towners. Troy and I had played in the past, in fact a game just a week or so ago where he had squeaked out a win. That list was 2500 and had three treeman. This list didn’t and was as follows:

Highborn, The Dawnspear, Glittering Scales, Seed of Rebirth, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Shield, General

Spellsinger, level 2, Lore of Wood Elf Suckyness, Staff of Sorcery

Branchwraith, A Cluster of Radiants

29 Eternal Guard, Full Command, Banner of Swiftness

8 Dryads, Champion

8 Dryads, Champion

8 Dryads, Champion

8 Dryads, Champion

9 Treekin, Champion

Great Eagle

Troy deployed three units of dryads on the left flank (all flanks from my perspective), two near the line, followed by the eagle and then the third unit of dryads behind. This rear unit got the Branchwraith and the Spellsinger (right next to it). The center got the Highborn and Eternal Guard near the line. The right flank got the last unit of dryads followed by the Treekin.

I deployed two units of riders on the left flank, and everything else on the right (I had a big ruins in the center of my deployment zone). I dropped my shades behind the character bunker. For vanguard I moved up my riders to be at maximum range so that they could minimize the amount of movement they would be required to do, as movement meant 7s to hit dryads at long range.

We rolled and I won to go first. The shades moved up into close range of the character bunker, the hydras move up cautiously and the characters moved into spell range, death at the highborn and metal at the treekin. Magic was ineffective, drawing out dispel and the one spell that did go through was ineffective thanks to lucky 6 on the Highborn’s 6+ regeneration. Before the game I had failed to read Troy’s army list, and due to the placement of the Spellsinger next to the Dryad I had assumed him to be in the unit. Turns out he wasn’t, thankfully I realized it in time to correct. My first blast of shade shooting went into the bunker unit, taking off a few. Than realizing the character wasn’t in the unit, I send the second blast into him, killing both him and a few more dryads off of the 4+ look out sir. The left two rider units blasted into one of the front dryad units, and the same happened on the right. I plinked a few on the front units, but left the back with 2 and the branchwraith.

Troy’s turn 2 and I found out the second thing I had missed in not reading his list. The highborn’s unit made a charge at my center most, right flank rider unit. When I had vanguarded I thought he needed an 11, but turned out he needed a 10. Rolled a 3, so didn’t matter much but it could have been bad. I think forgot to stand and shoot (though only realizing it now – didn’t think about it for the first write up). The branchwraith abandoned his former bunker and moved in the left most dryad unit, and the left flank moved up only a little to allow it. The former bunker on the left flank moved to face the shades. On the right flank the dryad unit moved up, daring me to charge with the hydras and allow the treekin counter charge. The eagle moved into position to start charging casters. In his magic, 6 dicing the fireball allowed for two riders to be plinked off.

On my turn 2, both shade units charged the last two dryads, one on front and one in flank. Because the unit was in a forest, I felt that my chances of killing them both were better in combat then shooting. Half the shots, but hitting better with rerolls to hit. A unit of riders charged to force the eagle to flee. My hydras took the bait on the dryads and my BSB moved up to use his Black Dragon Egg to attempt to prevent the counter charge by the treekin. My casters moved up into the safety of the space between the Eternal Guard and the Treekin. In my magic phase I managed to put two wounds on the Highborn. In my shooting phase I plinked some dryads on the left, and killed the eagle. My BSB failed to cause a wound to the treekin, allowing them normal counter charge options. In combat my shades killed only one of the dryads and each unit lost one shade (2 wounds versus 1 wound, charge and flank saw me the victor). The dryad champion made his stubborn roll. The hydras decimated the dryad unit, and one of the hydras over ran into the treekin while the other failed his 6 to join.

On Troy’s turn 2, the non-bunker unit on the left charged my out of position rider unit (who had failed to contact the eagle). My unit turned and fled. The highborn unit, having no legal charges moved to support the treekin, fireballing another two riders from a different unit. The shades failed to kill the dryad, who also failed to kill a shade. The dryad didn’t pass his test this time, but did roll higher to flee. The treekin did three wounds to the hydra, who then failed to respond but did pass his test to stay.

On my turn 3 a shade unit failed charge to push the last dryad closer to the board edge. My second hydra and BSB joined the dying hydra in the treekin combat. My characters and four rider units (one having rallied), moved out of charge range of his remaining units. The second unit of shades chased after the left flank dryads. In my magic phase I rolled strong and managed to kill the highborn and get enchanted blades on the fresh hydra. In my shooting phase I plinked the new bunker unit down a few more models. In combat the Treekin champion challenged my BSB, allowing both to whiff wonderfully. The treekin then failed to cause a wound to either hydra. The worn hydra also failed, followed by a wonderful failure by the fresh hydra. Pulling out the was due to the wonderful breath weapon. 7 hits with 5 wounds, which thanks to all the buffs were strength 5, armor piercing, magical and flaming, ignoring all the treekins saves and doing 10 wounds. Due to the combat taking place on the Wood Elves’ free forest Troy was unable to claim steadfast and the treekin broke and were run down.

On Troy’s turn 3, the left most dryads ran towards the corner, with the branchwraith switching units and the positioning such to protect the weaker unit. The Eternal Guard also moved off into the corner. The rest of the game proceeded with Troy trying to conserve points (all of which remaining would be saved). Late game I would flee with a unit of shades, and roll a 10 to run off the table – a 10 being what I needed to do so. As such the game would end with me 1300+ points up, having only lost the shades and 2 riders each from 2 units. A solid 18/2 victory.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Vampires in the CoC comp

In my last post I included the 2013 Comp system. This week we are having a little fun with it. Please note that all of my listed comp negatives are before adding in the 30 comp points (so a -10 comp score is actually a comp score of 20 and a -40 comp score is actually a comp score of -10).

I built the following list in an attempt to make both a list that could win with a maximum possible comp penalty. I see lots of ways to get a lower comp score (a single unit of 800 slaves in a -151 comp loss for only 1600 points for example), but wanted to see what I could do and still think I could win 3 games. So here is the list:

Strogoi Ghoul King, General, Skabscrath, Aura of Dark Majesty, Terrorgheist

6 Tomb Banshees

295 Zombies, musician, standard bearer

2 Terrorgheists

This list comes in at -103 comp [-35 for 7 screams, -6 for 3 terrorgheists, -12 for ethereal units and -50 for unit size]. That’s enough to eat up the 30 points for comp and the maximum 60 points of battle. Practically speaking, the maximum score possible is I believe only 130 points; therefore, this list really has a maximum score of about 40 points – that’s paint and sports. I can’t believe this list would gain full sports, as there is a section for list strength. I also don’t think with the 20/0 system it will able to gain a full battle points. I think it’s possible for this list to win 3 games and get a score of 0 in terms of actual play. I’d be disappointed to play this list and find they stopped counting comp once a 0/30 was reached.

The idea being this list would be to use the size of the unit to hide the banshees from magic items use the unit stretched out to hide the terrorgheists, allowing maximum screams into the units being tanked by the zombies. The 1 level of magic basically means no magic will be cast, but that’s ok as all he could do would be to raise more zombies. I think 6 rounds of screaming could gain enough points to win. The comp, which this list ignores, also acts to protect this list. After all, a restriction on warmachines means terrorgheists will survive that much longer.

I don’t think I’ll be able to convince anyone to take up the list though, and I don’t have 3 terrorgheists to skaven ‘count as’ the army. Oh well. I might just have to do it myself. I could use my dragon on a tray with the rat ogre as the strogoi and my 2 terrorgheists as the terrorgheists. Then I just need to scrounge up 295 slaves/clanrats and something to use as the tomb banshees. So I guess I really just need to paint the 2 terrorgheists – though at that point does a full paint score even matter?

The list isn’t really that good… but it’s funny.

Contest of Champions Composition System

This week saw the release of the 2013 CoC comp system, just in time for this weekend’s 2000 point event. Here is the comp system as released:

No more than 12 Power Dice can be used in any single magic phase. If you start with less than 12 you can use items, spells, or lore attributes to accumulate up to 12 power dice but any excess are lost.

The Vampire Counts Lore Attribute Curse of Undeath can be used to heal characters.

The Power Scroll has been amended: Arcane Item, one use only, 35 points. A Power Scroll can be used when the Wizard makes a casting attempt. During that casting attempt, the casting value of the spell is halved (rounded up). You cannot choose to boost a spell when using the Power Scroll.

All current GW FAQs are in use, please see this page for further details.

Treat BSB as heroes for the purposes of purchasing mundane equipment.

-2 for each 5% of total points (or fraction thereof) spent on magic items, abilities, gifts, powers, or any other similar bonuses after the first 10%. This includes any points spent on special characters.

-2 for the first Hydra, -6 for the second Hydra (Dark Elves)

-3 for each Chimera after the first (Chaos Warriors)

-5 for each K’daii Destroyer (Chaos Dwarves)

-2 per Terrorgeist (Vampire Counts)

-2 for the first Abomination, -6 for the second Abomination (Skaven)

-3 for the second Steam Tank

-2 per unit of Flamers (Daemons of Chaos)

-2 for the second Iron Blaster (Ogre Kingdoms)

-2 for the second Mangler Squig

-1 per fanatic after 6

-2 per Hellcannon

-1 per Sirens Song

-2 for Masque and Skulltaker

-3 for each Ethereal unit after the 2nd. Remember that characters are units!

-4 if more points spent on Special than on Core. High Elves are exempt.

-1 for each 5 wounds (or fraction thereof) after 45 in a single unit. Screaming Bells and Plague
Furnace count as 15 wounds in the unit it is assigned to.

-2 for each war machine after the first 3 rounded up (Dwarves get one additional slot). In addition to units classified as ‘War Machine’ in the rulebook, this includes the following: Skaven Weapon Teams (count 2 weapon teams as 1), Doom Wheel, Salamander (per model, not per unit), Stegadons, Iron Blasters, Scrap Launchers, any VC Scream attack and Thundertusk. Count 2 Goblin Spear Chukkas as 1 War Machine.

-3 for combining the 3rd eye of Tzeentch with the Mark of Tzeentch and a 4+ ward save.

Folding Fortress – 5
Book of Hoeth -5
Cupped Hands – 2
Pendant of Kaleth -2
Banner of the World Dragon -3
Dragonhide Banner – 3
Cube of Darkness -1
Vortex Shard -2
Hellheart -1
Doomrocket -1
Ring of Volans (on Warrior Priest) -1
Ruby Ring (Warrior Priest) -1
Any item that lowers leadership -1 per point of leadership loss.

Since the beginning of 8th edition I have had some sway over the final versions (though to be clear final say has always been left to the store owner). This year I played a much less active role, though I did provide a list of items that should be considered for inclusion along with a few existing items that should be revised or removed. I also saw a few in progress versions. As with every year, I can’t say I’m 100 percent happy. I don’t mean this to mean that what I want to play is being comped. While my skaven from last year has seen an increase in points hit( was a -2 all last year and that same list would now be at -8) my currently proposed 2500 point Dark Elf list was at -12 and will still be at -12. [Note: this comp score combined with the 20/0 battle score system will not see me doing well at any event]

Specifically, I’m glad to see an inclusion of Chaos Dwarves, though I have been told there will be another player vote involved before its official, I think that for proper “balance” (lol), they are much underrepresented in this copy system. A solo -5 Kadhi hit leaves the already strong book very strong in this system. The Iron Daemon, their “steam tank” equivalent, doesn’t even have mention as a warmachine.

After that, my complaints on the system haven’t really changed from last year. I don’t like the Special Characters being included completely as magic items, nor do I feel a percentage on magic items is warranted now that there is a specific list of magic items to be comped. Instead I would expand the magic item list a little, and increase the scale on the hits a little more.

I can see the rules change on capping power dice at 12 severely hurting my dark elf list. I will take it as a good test of what my army can do without a good magic roll. My plan will be to do what I want with what I have and save a die or two for two 1 die roll on power of darkness to end my phase. Perhaps I’ll get lucky and be able to push another spell through at the end of the phase. My death magic and normal roll will often make this secondary, and my normal policy to roll 2 dice would only end up costing me. Before this rule was added in 2012, there was a hit on power of darkness. I’d probably prefer to have the comp hit since I’m already comped out of the event, but I’ll make due, I’m sure.

Lastly, it should be noted that all of these comments are based on the assumption that there would be comp and that at lack of comp (as indicated by the store owner) is not an option. I personally feel that comp isn’t needed and doesn’t serve the purpose as intended. Sports scores should be weighted to allow over all core rewards for “softer lists.”

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bay Area Open Breakdown

Coming March 2nd and 3rd! Sign up now if you haven’t already. This will be the third Bay Area Open, and hopefully continue the growth and improvement. In 2011 I nearly had it, but a poor 5th round match up saw me taking 4th. 2012 I knocked it out of the park for my first 5 round GT win. The last two years I believe they capped at 32 players, but this year they upped it to 64 I think. I doubt we will fill that, but I’m hopeful.

The event is 2500 points with 2.5 hour rounds. In the past it has just been battle points for overall, with a separated paint score and no comp or sports (just a thumbs down option for a yellow card I think). This year they have introduced both paint and comp into the mix, though still heavily weighted towards battle. There is also a small sports score of 50 points, which is less than a loss and I expect will only come into play at a tie breaking level.

Battle points are 75 for a loss, 100 for a draw (within 100 points), 125 points for a win (100-499 points) and 150 for a major win (500+ win).

Sports is 10 worth points per game and completely opponent judged. I hope they have a yes/no checklist system with minimal subjectiveness.

Paint is scaled from 0-65 depending on the level (unpainted at 0 points through tournament level at 60 points with the last 5 for ‘advanced’). The last 10 points are for a display board. The rules don’t mention any judgment between the different levels, so I expect with my Dark Elves I will be able to swing all 75 points. If there is judgment allowed between the levels, I expect I will still score high.

Comp is worth 75 points, with a list of 5 ways to lose 15 points. These are:

25% of points in one unit
2+ Level 4 wizards
Duplicate rares
3+ war machines
Units over 50 models in count.

I will be taking the duplicate rares penalty for my double hydra. I don’t think losing the points would cost me the event if I can win my games. If I can’t win, then it won’t matter. I think taking two hits might present a larger disadvantage, but no one who can win all games should balk at taking 1 hit (1.5% of total score). There should only be a maximum of two players undefeated after 5 rounds, and with a minor/major win option it should still work. I wouldn’t be too upset with second should we both go max and my comp knocked me down. But I still have to win.

Category Minimum Points Maximum Points Percentage
Battle 375 750 79%
Paint 0 75 8%
Comp 0 75 8%
Sports 0 50 5%

Minimum score is about 40% of overall score.
For the missions, it’s straight out of the book. I’m not sure how I feel about this, as it’s nice to play something different at events. Both meeting engagement and dawn attack are good missions for my list. No battle for the pass means I won’t have to worry about an uphill struggle against a gun line.

Round 1 – Meeting Engagement (corners, 12 inches apart). This mission is great for me assuming I don’t roll too many 1’s on deployment, as it makes it really easy for my cavalry to be where ever it wants, or to pull pack should I decide to go protective and still have plenty of space to move.

Round 2 – Battleline – boring old normal game

Round 3 – Blood and Glory (breaking is worth 500 for first and 100 for second) – with 8 fortitude, and nearly my entire army having banners (except Hydras, Shades and lesser wizard), if I’m broken I’ve lost so it doesn’t matter. The modified deployment zone tends to open up space for vanguard and scouting, so good. With my inability to take on large units I won’t worry about breaking my opponent.

Round 4 – Dawn Attack – good for me as I’m only really concerned about leadership with my hydras. Vanguard makes this mission forgiving.

Round 5 – Battleline – if there is going to be a mission with just battleline, the last one is the best. I would hate to lose at the top table due to some extreme randomness introduced by the TOs.

The website also says they offer awards for “best of army.” By switching to Dark Elves it probably means I’ve significantly reduced my competition. Dark Elves are not in great favor on the west coast these days. I only know of a few people who played them competitively, and I all but one have moved on.

Unfortunately the TOs have decided not to list the players and the armies of those signed up, so no breakdown will be included. Also means I haven’t been able to remind people who haven’t already signed up. When asked, they have said they don’t want to make customers who wish privacy to be upset. Strange response, but they’re the bosses.

Wish me luck!