Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Vampires in the CoC comp

In my last post I included the 2013 Comp system. This week we are having a little fun with it. Please note that all of my listed comp negatives are before adding in the 30 comp points (so a -10 comp score is actually a comp score of 20 and a -40 comp score is actually a comp score of -10).

I built the following list in an attempt to make both a list that could win with a maximum possible comp penalty. I see lots of ways to get a lower comp score (a single unit of 800 slaves in a -151 comp loss for only 1600 points for example), but wanted to see what I could do and still think I could win 3 games. So here is the list:

Strogoi Ghoul King, General, Skabscrath, Aura of Dark Majesty, Terrorgheist

6 Tomb Banshees

295 Zombies, musician, standard bearer

2 Terrorgheists

This list comes in at -103 comp [-35 for 7 screams, -6 for 3 terrorgheists, -12 for ethereal units and -50 for unit size]. That’s enough to eat up the 30 points for comp and the maximum 60 points of battle. Practically speaking, the maximum score possible is I believe only 130 points; therefore, this list really has a maximum score of about 40 points – that’s paint and sports. I can’t believe this list would gain full sports, as there is a section for list strength. I also don’t think with the 20/0 system it will able to gain a full battle points. I think it’s possible for this list to win 3 games and get a score of 0 in terms of actual play. I’d be disappointed to play this list and find they stopped counting comp once a 0/30 was reached.

The idea being this list would be to use the size of the unit to hide the banshees from magic items use the unit stretched out to hide the terrorgheists, allowing maximum screams into the units being tanked by the zombies. The 1 level of magic basically means no magic will be cast, but that’s ok as all he could do would be to raise more zombies. I think 6 rounds of screaming could gain enough points to win. The comp, which this list ignores, also acts to protect this list. After all, a restriction on warmachines means terrorgheists will survive that much longer.

I don’t think I’ll be able to convince anyone to take up the list though, and I don’t have 3 terrorgheists to skaven ‘count as’ the army. Oh well. I might just have to do it myself. I could use my dragon on a tray with the rat ogre as the strogoi and my 2 terrorgheists as the terrorgheists. Then I just need to scrounge up 295 slaves/clanrats and something to use as the tomb banshees. So I guess I really just need to paint the 2 terrorgheists – though at that point does a full paint score even matter?

The list isn’t really that good… but it’s funny.

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