Friday, November 29, 2013

What If Warriors of Chaos – 2500 points

This list is an absolute beast.  The concept is already out there, Brian Moyer took it to Adepticon in 2013, but this is my own little flavor of what the internet talks about.

Daemon Prince, chaos armor, daemonic flight, daemon of nurgle, level 2 wizard, lore of death, scaled skin, flaming breath, charmed shield, dragonbane gem, the other trickster’s shard

Chaos Sorceror, mark/steed/lore of slannash, level 2 wizard, tormentor sword, enchanted shield, luckstone, chaos familiar
Chaos Sorceror, mark/disc of tzeentch, lore of metal, level 2 wizard, warrior bane, talisman of preservation, third eye of tzeentch

5 Chaos Warhounds, vanguard
6 Chaos Marauder Horseman, musician, standard bearer, mark of slannash, javelins, flails
6 Chaos Marauder Horseman, musician, standard bearer, mark of slannash, javelins, flails
Chaos Chariot
Chaos Chariot
Chaos Chariot

Chimera, flaming breath, regenerating flesh
Chimera, flaming breath, regenerating flesh
Chimera, flaming breath, regenerating flesh
6 Hellstriders of Slannash, musician, banner

I think this list speaks for itself.  It’s just dumb.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

New Paint/Hobby Progress Table

Needs Assembly Assembled Sprayed Paint In Progress Painted Based Matted
Anointed of Asuryan X
Flamespyre Mount X
Dragon Mage of Caledor X
Flamespyre Phoenix X
Flamespyre Phoenix X
Man of Intrigue X

Days Left Until Leave 50.00
Handmaiden of Everqueen X
11 Archers X
Supreme Sorceress on Darksteed X
Master on a Darksteed X
10 Doomfire Warlocks X

Days Left Until Leave 124.00
Infernal Castellan BSB X
24 Infernal Guard X
Iron Daemon X
Iron Daemon X
Iron Daemon X
K'daai Destoryer X

Days Left Until Leave 154.00

I made this table really fast this morning.  Gives me an idea of how much time I have left to get everything done with the goals I have set.  There is some double count already taken into account.  For example, the flamespyres are also going to Adepticon, but there wasn't a need to include it twice. There are also things, like my fast cavalry that are already completed and so aren't on the list.   The formatting isn't perfect from the excel conversion, but I think it gets the point across, and the important part is the days left.  This time will go really quickly, and I still have a lot to do.  I haven't included my new display board on this tract, even with my goal of having it done for SAWS.

I'll try to play around with the excel formatting for next time and see if I can't clean it up.

Hobby Update - Man of Intrigue

Happy thanksgiving for those who celebrate. For those who dont just see it as a week long hobby time suck, what with getting ready, wife's family and divorced parents each wanting a turn. But my wife is downstairs making candy and that means I have a little time to hobby.

Setting aside the stormvermin, as they are not the priority project, I get back to the man. Maybe a little rifle work will get squeezed during dry times.

First, the ribs. Ive decided to go with a spiked cage from chaos space marine rhinos. Each side will get 1 up and 1 down and I will reverse them and trim them to give less of the duplicate bit look.  Im also going to see if I can use these doomwheel gears. The front will still be some scrap I saved when I previously mutilated a steam tank (before this blog).  

Side 1

Rifle dry break. 

A pinned hand

Going to need some gap filling on the back end

Taking forever to set up, so I decided to leave the half cage for the busy weekend and finish up my first chaos dwarf. If this guy gets a shield it will go on after painting. Still needs some clean up, and I see I forgot to drill the barrel. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Infernal Zoo – Wrap-Up

Even with a 2-3 showing, I still came in 9th of 23 people, so not all that bad.  I think the event needed a few extra things – not silly magma dragon rulings being one of them.  Also, lots of the tables had a corner bunkered up behind a river, which made a campy/shooty list have a nice spot to bunker behind and deny ranks and steadfast.

The event seemed to run on time, and I only heard of a few issues involving bad actors.  All my games but the first one came to either the end of round 6 or the concession of my opponent (I never concede, even when I knew I’ve lost), so I think the round lengths were fine.  Food was a little far away, and on day 1 when my game went to time I felt a little rushed, only really having time to pick up food and then start rolling dice.

The group dinner afterwards was awesome, though I did walk away with the beginnings of a migraine thanks to two partially loud members of our own group.  There were also some racial jokes going around that were starting to offend some people.

A solid event and I look forward to both next year and the next Davis event.  I hope that next year we can get the additional people that Alex wanted, as there was space for probably 18 tables.

Dark Elves (OLD) – 27w/10l/1d
Ogres – 2w/3l/0d
Skaven – 6w/7l/1d

Singles – 27w/17l/2d
Doubles – 8w/3l/0d

Overall – 35w/20l/2d

I was also not impressed with quality of the warplightening cannon (though I never am), so to summarize, here is what it did each game:

Round 1: Died Turn 1 to Abom – 0 points earned, but not really its fault.
Round 2: T1/Misfire; T2/Misfire; T3/Misfire; T4/Kill 1 Harpy & Dies.
Round 3: T1/S2 Nada; T2/S8 5 stalker wounds, Fail to wound elemental on last wound & dies.
Round 4: T1/Misfire; T2/Misfire; T3/Knock off Charmed Shield; T4/Misfire; T5/Misfire; T6/Fails to wound
Round 5: T1/Misfire; T2/4 wounds to ironblaster & Dies.

So what did my warplightening cannon do in 30 turns?

Dead: 16 turns
Alive: 14 Turns

Misfire: 8 Turns
Failed to Wound: 2 Turns
Charmed Shield: 1 Turn
Cause Wound: 3 Turns (total of 10 wounds)

So more than half the time dead, and even when it was alive it only did something 28 percent of that time and that’s even counting the charmed shield (that’s only 13 percent of the entire time).  SO BAD.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hobby Day

This was supposed to be a full day hobby day but I got distracted spending time with my wife, dang her. Todays plan is to work on the Man of Intrigue some more and along side that start to get some troops done. 


And now the things I do while it dries. 

Eventually, I will be playing chaos dwarves for the second half of the year, i hope. For that I need troops. Right now I have a unit of 21 and a second of 20 to make core for a 3000 point force, which is the highest point value we ever see in my area. I plan to include unit filler and make units balanced like:

M=musician, B=banner, C=champion, D=dude, and FILL=fillers (like the man of intrigue.

The unit is designed to include full command, though I dont expect to actually buy a champion. Its also designed to allow for the units to go long, and to be reduced in size (at 2500 i use 20 and 15 sized units).

The manz:

Thats 19 stormvermin off of sprue and ready to be cleaned and married for full torso.

To equip them, as they are to be chaos dwarf infernal guard with fireglaives, they will need shields and some sort of rifle/halbred. A friend of mine gave me one of his very old attempts to make jezzails, in which he had used the old style clan rats with kroot rifles. He gave me the models because I still use the old style clan rats, but i think its great because the kroot rifles are perfect. For shields I will will just mainly use the stormvermin shields; they are really nice. I have some other shields I will probably sprinkle in. 

His conversion, pre-surgery. 

Some clean rifles. 

Harvested from the clanrats. Now, I just need to remove the kroot armys and put on skaven arms. Short 2, I figure the musicians dont need them. 

I would expect that the kroot models are about the same size as a stormvermin. Their weapons have almost the same hand spacing.

Dry fit of parts after cutting.  Im thinking I should pin them even though they are plastic.

Infernal Zoo – Round 5 – Van Nguyen – Ogre Kingdoms

The Mission
Fake Blood and Glory

Bonus Objectives
Once again, didn’t make note of which I took, but I’m positive it was tallest terrain piece (because I could get it by deploying) and killing monsters, as I easily handled the previous magma dragon (looking back it was not a great) and sabertusks.

The List
Slaughtermaster, Level 4, lore of death, General, great weapon, dispel scroll, talisman of endurance, crown of command

Butcher, level 2, lore of the great maw, hellheart, great weapon
Bruiser, BSB, Talisman of preservation, bizarro hammer

9 Ironguts, full command, standard of discipline
18 gnoblars
10 gnoblars

5 Maneaters, musician, banner, poison, sniper, banner of eternal flame


Great Magma Dragon

This list is actually an exact close of the overall winner’s list.  I guess Van was running behind and asked for help with Brad’s response to just say, use mine…  Van only went 3-2 versus Brad’s 5-0.  That’s what luck in the pairings does, as they are both good players.  Van’s contingent consisted of the stupid good dragon and a super sabertusk.

I once again got double warp lightening… again, why no Crack’s Call!

Van took Trollguts and Bullgorger (regeneration and +1S) on his butcher and Spirit Leech, Purple Sun, Doom and Darkness and Soul Blight on his level 4.

For deployment, Van decided to play on the right side.  On the left, all he put were a unit of gnoblars, and 2 of his normal sabertusks.  His last deployment, long after I was done, would be to place that magma dragon in what would become the “left”.  I’m not sure why he angled the gnoblars the way he did on both sides, as he then didn’t leave me space to actually go beyond them on the board edge.

Behind the giant impassible (remember this board?  It was the same as round 3) Van hid his Gut Star bunker unit with the two casters and one of his iron blasters.  On the right he put the man eaters and the other iron blaster, and behind the last sabertusk and the larger unit of gnoblars.  Van put the BSB in with the man eaters.

I also put most of my guys on the right side, though I put the abomination on the left and tried to hid the two brood horrors behind the impassible terrain and my general behind the impassible on the right.  This would hopefully give me some cover should I not go first.  The stormvermin were spread out, hoping to take both of my quarters, and on the left advance into his.

I first deployed that unit of gutter runners in the center.  Van countered by putting his sabertusk on the left flank, to which I counted with my other unit of gutter runners.  The assassin hit behind that skinny impassible terrain in case the iron blaster came around or Van considered charging me with his dragon.

For the fifth game in a row I go first.

Turn 1 – Skaven
Because of my defensive deployment I had no charges to make, so I advanced hard on the right to try to close as quickly as possible.  I held back my general and a single brood horror to force him to have a long charge, while putting one up close, but with a clear avenue of escape through the impassible terrain.  Didn’t think of it at the time, but it also meant that if he didn’t charge, but instead shot he might be able to kill one and panic the other, while a failed charge would deny either an iron blaster or the man eaters shooting and probably keep them both alive.

The abomination ran straight forward towards the magma dragon, hoping to lure him out for the assassin to punk the next turn.

I rolled a 7/5 magic phase, for which I got my first spell dispelled and the second scrolled.

The gutter runners killed the special sabertusk, and the other put a wound on the magma dragon.  The cannon misfires and shoots backwards.  The doom rocket shoots and gets 3 hits, causing 2 wounds to the man eaters.

Turn 1 – Ogre Kingdoms
Van starts his turn by charging the dragon into the abomination.  I consider fleeing, just to drag him closer to the assassin, but realize that if I roll more than a 7, the abomination would be in range to panic my assassin and that getting caught would remove my chance of coming back to life (even if it never happens).

The man eaters charge the brood horror and as planned I flee through the impassible terrain.  They then redirect into the other brood horror needing a 10.  I could run, but decide I really want the double counter charge.  He makes it into the brood horror, ruining that plan and putting me in a heap of trouble.

An 8/6 magic phase has be scrolling a bubble soul blight and him failing to cast doom and darkness, leaving me with a handful of dice… disappointing, but he at thrown 5 dice at the bubble and rolled really high.

In shooting his first iron blaster pops the mount from under my general.  The second iron blaster shoots at my general as well.  He makes both ward saves.

The abomination flubs his attacks, and takes 2 wounds.  Van then uses his NON-flaming breath weapon and does 10 wounds, and the abomination dies.  The brood horror takes 1 wound from the impact hits, does 2 wounds back and then gets punched to death.  Unfortunately, Van did not use is Bizarro Hammer’s one use ability.

The abomination does not come back to life… but then it never does.  Even rat swarms could have charged an iron blaster in the rear and probably won combat.

Turn 2 – Skaven
Turn starts with the night runners coming on.  Van had smartly parked a sabertusk on the token and when I rolled to stick it got charged.

My turn again, and I use both my potions.  I charge the assassin into the magma dragon and my general into the man eaters, figuring if I punch the BSB in a challenge I will be up as he won’t have a rank and my charge will cancel is banner.  I also charge an ironblaster with a unit of gutter runners.  He flees through night runners.

The brood horror rallies.

I roll up a 10/4 magic phase and irresistiblely cast at the fleeing ironblaster.  I do a wound and lose my wizard levels.  I then cast the other, and he fails his miscast.  I do 1 wound to a sabertusk.

My gutter runners kill the other saber tusk.  The cannon does 4 wounds to the non-running ironblaster.

My general passes fear.  Van doesn’t get his heroic killing blow, and I make my saves.  He then also makes his saves and I lose combat on static and get run down.  The night runenrs only manage to do 1 wound to the sabertusk before it kills the weapons team.  I then run it down and into the gut star.  The assassin only gets 1 wound through and then rolls a 1 before getting squashed.  I knew he wouldn’t kill the dragon, but I was really hoping he’d set me up well for a later turn.

Turn 2 – Ogre Kingdoms
Having turned after squashing my assassin, the magma dragon turned and charged the flank of the gutter runners, stuck there after failing their charge.  The man eaters, also having reformed charged the stormvermin in the flank, but I flee off the table in order to keep them close to the now rallied brood horror.

The ironblaster fails its rally and heads into the forest.  He fails his dangerous terrain test and takes 2 wounds.

An 8/7 casting phase has Van failing to cast a bubbled soulblight and not bothering to throw the last dice at something else.

His last cannon killed my cannon.

The gutter runners pass their fear test but fail to do a would.  He then kills 2 and runs them down.  The night runners also pass their fear, putting 2 wounds on the butcher.  They still lose after losing a bunch and get run down.

Turn 3 – Skaven
I try to get revenge by charging m brood horror into the rear of the man eaters, but alas don’t roll high enough to get in.

A 6/3 magic phase draws out the hellheart, but it fails to hit a wizard.  I then irresistiblely cast on the magma dragon but don’t do much.  I take a wound for my trouble.

The gutter runners than put 2 more wounds on the magma dragon.

Turn 3 – Ogre Kingdoms
On the right flank the small gnoblar unit finally gets its courage and charges a gutter runner unit.  Never having turned their back, the gutter runners kill 5 and the unit flees to the table edge.

The cannon rallies.

A nasty 11/6 magic phase has me dispelling bubbled regeneration, but has him bubbling soul blight.

The man eaters do 3 wounds to the brood horror, which then allows the cannon to pop it off the table.

Turn 4 – Skaven
The stormvermin that had been advancing to take the far quarter charges and pushes the gnoblars off the table.

I roll a 7/6 magic phase, but Van is able to dispel my only spell.

The dragon makes all of his saves versus the gutter runners.

Turn 4 – Ogre Kingdoms
The ironblaster, still in the forest fails the fear caused by the mysterious terrain.  Doesn’t fail his dangerous terrain test though.

A 10/6 magic phase has me failing to dispel spirit leech to kill my wizard.  He gets a dice back but doesn’t pursue another spell.

His cannon kills 4 stormvermin by shooting a line down its flank.  They pass their panic test.

Turn 5 – Skaven
I move around some, avoid another cross shot with the cannons.  The gutter runners go after the 1 wound iron blaster but don’t get any 6s.  I can’t go after the magma dragon as Van has run away with it.

Turn 5 – Ogre Kingdoms
I don’t take a pic this turn as there wasn’t much change in position from the previous turn.  The magma dragon charges my wizard, but I flee.  The man eaters push the wizard off the table.

An 11/6 magic phase has me fialing to dispel doom and darkness on the gutter runners.  He then spirit leeches to kill a single gutter runner.

The first cannon (1 wound left) kills a gutter runner and the one in the forest blows itself up with a misfire.

Turn 6 – Skaven
For my last turn I move around, trying to get access to the ironblaster.  For magic all I do is dispel the doom and darkness.  The gutter runners do 5 wounds to the ironblaster, but he makes all 5 saves… that’s about a 3 percent chance.  So sad.

Turn 6 – Ogre Kingdoms
In order to try to kill the ironblaster I had to leave my gutter runners out in the wind (I had failed to march), and so the gut star was in a position for an easy charge on the gutter runners.  I manage to get 3 wounds on the stand and shoot.

Van rolls 7/6 for his last magic phase.  I dispel soulblight but he gets off troll guts on the block and heals his caster.

In combat I pass my fear test but whif my attacks and lose the unit.