Friday, June 28, 2013

Hobby Update - Harpies & Bolt Thrower

Finally got the painting underway. Stone and some base colors on the toad and cloth. 

Here is what i was going for
Taken from unknown internet site.

Here is what i have so far

And the hapries

SAWS – Round 1 – Steve Roos - Empire

The Mission: Battle for the Pass

My Objective: Eliminate over half of your opponent’s army (based on model count)

Templar Grand Master, warhorse, runefang, the other trickster’s shard
Wizard Lord, warhorse, dispel scroll, talisman of preservation, potion of toughness, level 4, Lore of Beasts

Captain of the Empire, BSB, warhorse, sword of battle, dawnstone
Captain of the Empire, Pegasus, sword of might, charmed shield, potion of foolhardiness
Warrior Priest, warhorse, obsidian lodestone
Warrior Priest, warhorse, shrieking blade, enchanted shield, obsidian amulet

10 Knights, full command, Steel Standard
10 Knights, full command
5 Knights, musician
6 Reiksguard Knights, full command, gleaming pennant
5 Pistoliers, musician
5 Pistoliers, musician

4 Demigryph Knights, full command, banner of swiftness

For spells Steve rolls up Wyssan’s Wildform, Flock of Doom, Pan’s Pelt and Savage Beasts

I deploy my general behind a tree in the center, giving me options for where to run.  Steve deploys his army along the back edge and wrap around the sides to make a kill box and prevent me from getting in front of him.  His Peg rider goes up strong in the hopes of hunting my general.  Steve does a little vanguarding in response to my playing down dig tokens.

I go first and have nothing to do – this is a common pattern.

On Steve’s turn 1 he moves in response to my tokens, lining up charges as he can.  He rolls an 8/6 magic phase and puts wild form on a unit of pistols to prevent them from being picked off when I come up.  I dispel flock of doom at my general.

On my turn 2 I have 4 units come on.  2 charge a unit of knights – 1 being forced due to the scatter, and another to support on the flank.  The other two deploy more to the back field to shot at the peg.  My general runs to avoid the Pegasus charge next turn.  In shooting I put a wound on the peg and in combat I put a wound on the level 4 and on his general but otherwise he passes his armor saves.  I then lose 4 night runners and lose combat.  The flanking unit holds, but the other unit flees, along with both weapons teams.

On Steve’s turn 2 he charges fleeing units, panicing another and its digging team.  He then charges into the rear of the flanking unit.  A 9/5 magic phase has me allowing wildform to go off.  He then miscasts pelt on the wizard, which makes me sad because I wanted to kill his wizard.  The miscast wounds the wizard and a warrior priest.  In combat he makes all of his saves, including the damn wizard.  I then get my butt kicked.  Because of dead units and redirected fleeing all the weapons teams commit suicide.

On my turn 3 1 unit of gutter runs and another unit of night runners comes on.  The night runners charge the pistoliers on the left. Both my fleeing units rally.  My last night runner unit in the back field turns to face the Pegasus and my general books it to not get charged.  In shooting the gutter runners can’t get him to roll a 1.  The combat sees me killing 3 pistols from the night runners and the last from the weapons team.  Pistols flee off the table, killing 1 night runner.  I then pursue off the table (which was an error because it was battle for the pass, oops).

On Steve’s turn 3 the knights charge the gutter runners along the back edge.  The knights and demis charge the rallied night runners.  The wizard drinks his potion as it goes into the combat.  A 7/4 magic phase doesn’t see anything of relevance.  The gutter runners kill 3 knights but still lose and live due to smoke bombs.  The night runner combat is a wash.  I wish smoke bombs also allowed them to rally and shoot like hit and run.

On turn 4 the rest of my army comes on.  The new night runners and weapons team charges knights.  The gutter runners rally.  Shooting kills a knight.  The night runners lose the combat.

On Steve’s turn 4 the peg charges the night runners, taking a second wound on the stand and shoot.  The demis then flank the same unit.  The general then rears into the surviving combat.  A 2/1 magic phase has him casting wild form on caster’s unit.  In combat I manage to do 3 wounds to the peg but he makes all his damn saves.  I then escape with the unit.  In the other combat I kill 1 in the 5 man unit and the a second with the weapons team.  The GR then flee of the table, along with the night runner unit – the weapons team later kills itself.  In the general’s combat my champ dies to the general in a challenge.  The assassin does 4 wounds but Steve makes his saves.  The gutter runners then get caught and die.

On my turn 5 the gutter runners charge the knights.  The night runners fail to rally from the Peg combat, running through my general and panicking him.  The night runners kill 2 knights in shooting.  In combat the champ on champ combat challenge does nothing.  I kill 1 which is the musician – we then tie so I don’t have to make a leadership test!

On Steve’s turn 5 the knights charge the night runners and take a wound to stand and shoot.  A 7/3 magic phase has me failing to dispel Rerolling Wounds and 5+ ward prayers.  He then casts wild form on the 2 man unit.  My champ dies in the challenge, but I kill the banner.  I do another wound but then flee off the table.

On my turn 6 the gutter runners charge the knights.  The night runners flee off table and the general doesn’t rally.  The gutter runners kill 1 knight and the combat holds.


On Steve’s turn 6 the peg pusses the general off the table.  His BSB fails to charge GR in rear.  Another unit makes it but lose 1 to dangerous terrain.  On a 6/3 magic phase I dispel pan on the wizard and he gets wildform off.  In combat that damn wizard makes all his saves.  His general kills my assassin.  I kill 1 knight.  I then flee and get caught.
In the end I was 4 wounds short of making my objective, 1 on the wizard, 1 on the peg and then 2 knights (or 4 knights and not characters).  That unit of 1 knight left would have been nice.  Picking up him, and the two characters wouldn’t have given me the win though.  There were also 5 pistoliers left that I could have gotten.  Oh well.  This was a rough match, what with all the 1+ armor save.  Also Steve knew how to play against it, I think more than I knew what I was doing.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SAWS – Arrival

SAWS is held at my local game store, and is run by a top notch player, Mark Havener.  Mark has been mentioned here before; we played a game at a team event a while back.  Historically he has gone first for the year at CoCs, and won individual events.  I’ve only known him for 5 years or so (or however long I’ve been playing) and as I’ve gotten more into the game, he seems to have gotten less.  I’ve played other games with him, such as blood bowl, and know he runs or plays in other leagues/tournaments.  He still comes back every year for SAWS though, and hopefully will continue to do so.

Mark brings some of his own terrain and tables, but a lot of it is the well-loved Great Escape Games (GEG) terrain.  The faces are all familiar, though some of the absences are striking.  GEG doesn’t allow drinking in the shop, but that doesn’t keep people from sneaking some in and drinking in the parking lot.  This year I’ve decided to participate and had brought with me a small amount of the pineapple infused vodka I make.

Despite the website, and my previous posting about the 3 point objectives each game the sheet that was provided included different objectives.  Some of those that were on the website were modified.  There were also duplicates of some, loosening the restriction on selections.  I think that what was provided on site was better than what was on the website; I just wish the website had included them.  The revised objectives were:

1.       Capture more enemy banners than you lost (cannon take if either you or your opponent have no banners)

2.       2x Eliminate over half of your opponent’s army (based on model count)

3.       Destroy your opponent’s most expensive non-character unit

4.       Control more table quarters than your opponent (have a non-fleeing 5-man unit without your opponent having one)

5.       Destroy your opponents most expensive character

6.       2x Kill all spellcasters (includes anyone who channels or casts spells and cannot be taken if they have none)

7.       Keep at least 75% of your army alive (based on model count)

8.       Have more non-fleeing units in your enemy’s deployment zone at the end of the game than they have in yours

9.       Kill twice as many unit champions as you lose (cannot take if either your or your opponent have no unit champions)

10.   Keep all your character models alive, on the board and not fleeing at the end of the game (pursuit off board would still allow for this objective)

This objective discrepancy may just have to deal with the general lack of updating that occurred for the 2013 SAWS website rules.  There were also issues with list submittal deadlines.  I do hope next year Mark gives the whole thing a facelift (like dropping Rhinox Riders).

As the fact that I had so little deploy, most of my opponents started the game bunkered and then moved very little.  While there were some exceptions, this led me to having to photograph much less of the table than normal, so instead of 4 shots per turn sometimes I only had to make 2 or even 1.  Given that there are much fewer pictures, but not because I forgot (at least I don’t think so, guess I’ll find out when I construct the individual games).

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hobby Update – The Scryercutter

I was already feeling High Elves for 2014, and then I had a great idea that I wanted to write down so I didn’t forget it 6 months from now when I actually have the time to work on it (or even longer).  Take the body of the Chaos Warshrine and take off all the Chaos icons.  Then, using the pilot section of the doom wheel, remove the pit area and mount him inside there.  After painting a clear dome would be placed above and below and it would be like he was in a rotating center cockpit.  In order for it to ‘fly’, I might use the wheels from the doom wheel, adding fan spokes.  This would be like one of those airboats that skim over the water.  I would put it angled with the butt upwards, to show that it moves forward by pushing harder with the rear fan.  Some wings and a tail boom would also have to be added.  Then I would use some clan rats to man the bolt thrower I would place at the head.  I would also probably use some plastic card to add some metal plating to make it look techier.  I would scavenge the chaos warshrine bearers to be some converted rat ogres.  Even if I don’t end up playing High Elves, I may just do the conversion anyways, as it sounds like fun.  I also could use it as a doom wheel, if I ever run one (and don’t use one of the other 3 I already own – 2 painted and one of the old metals that’s been sitting in pinesol for over a year).

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hobby Update - Harpies

So after that very exciting vote ;) I decided to go with scryer tech on my eshin rats. 

The electrical caps I went with for the bodies of the jump packs. 

Some in progress jump packs. 

A finished jump pack. 

Another finished pack. 

The legs I broke for a flying pose, ready to be rebuilt. 

That previous pack mounted up. 

The two units in progress. 

Unit one built and ready for spray. 

Unit 2 ready for spray. 

Another shot of unit one. 

The guys that will end up on the flight stands after painting os complete. 

Superman with the rebuilt broken legs. You can see some of the reposing Ive done at the wrists, switching claw hands onto other arms for some different positions. 

My favorite guy with aviator glasses and double blades from the plague monk kit.

My second favorite. I saw this project as a good excuse to use the maul that comes with the night runner, an item Ive normally avoided as to doesn't fit night runner equipment.

Now to take them outside and make them white and get started on the painting. If i get them done by next weekend I can use them at the CoC. 

Davis Doubles – Wrap Up

A great weekend behind me with a bunch of good games.  Alex always runs a good event, bringing the best people.  Even with the abysmal 2-3 showing, Chris and I still finished in third place overall.  Congrats to fellow Guns N’ Warpstone team Van and Mikko.  When I heard they were doubling up on Ogres I had told Alex they would take it all.  He responded that the leadership 2 team of Ed and Mike would be the ones to beat them and win it all.  In the end, when those guys played, they tied and it came down to the softer scores where Van and Mikko were able to squeak ahead – by 1.5 points I believe (how does one get a half point, I don’t know).  Congrats the Ed and Mike for their best general and also lossless record.

With my first non-dark elf games for the year, and with my upcoming skaven games at SAWS (which are probably actually past based on when this post goes up), I have broken out the running record a little.

Dark Elves – 20w/7l/0d
Ogres – 2w/3l/0d

Singles – 16w/7l/0d
Doubles – 8w/3l/0d

Overall – 22w/10l/0d

SAWS, and the 5 losses that will come with it will really drag down my record – remember, this is a prediction despite when it posts.  Damn the fourth wall!

I gotta say.  I’m very happy for the death of warhammer rankings on RankingsHQ.  Michael Hengle, once first, told me that he didn’t like being first, that it was a source of stress in trying to maintain.  He said he wanted to lose events on purpose to get himself knocked down.  I never made first, peaking at second, but I am definitely enjoying the game in a much different way now that I’m not worried about trying to keep my standing up… and I did, as sad as that is.  Now I have only this running record that I keep for myself to worry about, and at any time I want I can exclude an event or just stop.  Much better…

And lastly, Ogres are boring and I now regret a lot less not completing my planned project a few years back.  I’m also really glad I didn’t end up going with the Ogre list for SAWS, despite the list I did go with (written before SAWS, remember!).

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Davis Doubles - Round 5 – Ed Phillips & Mike Scaletti – Ogres & Warriors

Final round and playing on one of the two top tables.  Ed and Mike had tied Van and MIkko, making two teams going into the last round at 3-0-1.  Ed and Mike are out of the bay area and Leadership 2.  Both of these guys are top table, national class players in their own right and here they were teamed up with hot lists.  Unfortunately I didn’t take home a copy of their lists, though I know they gave them to me.  I must have just left them on the couch.  I did my best recreating as I could recall, though I haven’t checked the points to see if I’m near correct.  As you’ll find out soon, what was in their list didn’t really matter.  Ed was playing Ogres, and his list was better than mine.  Mike was playing a great warriors list that he was using as practice for his upcoming Bragging Rights experience.

For mission we had a 50/50 shot of either Blood & Glory or Battle for the Pass.  Going in we knew that B&G would be a near auto loss, as we would be just 12 skinks or 1 old blood away from Chris picking up his entire army.  Battle for the Pass would also be bad, as a limited range to move meant that with the lots of small units in their army, Ed and Mike would be able to choke up the board and prevent us from maneuvering.  Their list was (as close as I could recreate at least):

Daemon Price, mark of tzeench (he was a +1 armor, 4+ ward), dragonbase gem, daemonic flight, heals in combat on 6s, sword of striking
Slaughtermaster, glittering scales, ironcurse icon, fencer’s blades, crown of command

Chaos Hero, disk, mark of tzeench, BSB, talisman of preservation, re-roll ward save (he was 2+ armor, rerolling ward saves of 1 with a +3 wardsave – hello internet)
Sorcerer, mark of slannash, lore of shadow, dispel scroll, steed of slannash
Firebelly, dispel scroll, level 2
Bruiser, BSB, 4+ wardsave

Chariot, mark of slannash
Chariot, mark of slannash
5 Marauder Cavalry, mark of slannash, banner, musician
5 Marauder Cavalry, mark of slannash, banner, musician
5 dogs, poison
5 dogs, vanguard
9 Ironguts

Gore Chariots, mark of nurgle
Gore Chariots, mark of nurgle
2 Mournfang, banner, banner of eternal flame, iron fists, heavy armor
2 Mournfang, iron fists, heavy armor

I think this was the complete list, and very nasty.

For spells they took Miasma on their level 1, fireball and flame cage on the firebelly and bone crusher, trollguts, brain gobbler and toothcracker on the slaughtermaster.

We took Iceshard on the skink and tooth cracker, brain gobbler, spinemarrow and bone crusher on the slaughermaster.

We roll off and they get the first turn.

They use their first turn to advance down the entire line and making sure every single pathway is blocked despite the gigantic hill messing up line of sight.  Chris and I had already realized we weren’t going to be able to do anything but be pushed into the back of the board.  All that high armor saves meant big trouble.  In a 9/6 magic phase they fail miasma, fireball a tusk which panics a skink unit and then uses the ogre panic spell to get the ironblaster to run off the table.  Suck, and bad rolls for dispel (and I thought the ironblaster was LD8, not LD7).

Our turn 1 and the skinks rally.  We decide that if we are going to lose, it won’t be on the back board edge, so we move up to try to do what we can.  An 8/6 magic phase has us putting ice shard on the bulls, and then casting the panic spell, which they dispel.  The magic missile then fails to wound.  We take of the charmed shield, which I realized I didn’t put on the list above.

So let us just be clear before we go into their second turn.  We saw this coming, we weren’t surprised and we saw it happening at some point in the game so it might as well be on our terms… that and we were really tired.  This is the first time I’ve used 2 full sheets in my note book for just 1 turn.  Basically what happens in their charge, with everything (well not everything, 1 sabertusk got lost in the forest and forgotten and the fast cavalry unit with the miasma caster as they wanted to maintain the extra channeling off of the terrain piece.  The combats were:

Daemon Prince charges man eaters, taking a wound on the stand and shoot

1 Slannash and 1 Nurgle chariot charge chameleons on flank

Mournfang charge gnoblars

Ironguts charge sabertusk

Sabertusk, marauder riders and 3 wolves charge a skink unit, the sabertusk dies to stand and shoot

Mournfang into the stegadon

1 Slannash and 1 Nurgle chariot charge ranked skinks

Hero on disk charges gnoblars

Dogs charge skinks

A 7/3 magic phase as them putting a buffed -1 miasma on the man eaters and we dispel panic on the carnisor.  In combat we kill 2 dogs (but not a unit), and do 1 wound to each mournfang.  We lose:

2 Units of Skinks

Ranked Skinks

Priest on Steg (which holds)


Unit of gnoblars, 6 from another unit (which flees and escapes – and live through the game!)


Man eaters, after failing their fear test.

There are also some over runs:

Gore Chariot into salamanders

Iron guts into skinks

Man eaters into gnoblars

Gore chariot and last dog into skinks

BSB into man eaters to fight again!

Our turn 2 and we do the obvious thing, we COUNTER CHARGE!  Skinks and Ogres go into mournfang.  Carni goes into the ironguts.  The three charges together leaves not enough space so my Ironguts fail.  My 4 gnoblars fail to rally.  We roll a 3/3 magic phase.  Mike decides not to risk the carni being stubborn and dispels it with a scroll.  The salamaders kill a dog which then run off the table.  We kill the dogs on the other side.  Skinks and gnoblars lose combat, both getting away.  We kill 1 mournfang with the steg and the combat holds.  The salamaders die in combat.  The carni kills the champ, the skinks do 2 wounds and then the skinks die, losing us combat and the carni gets run down and over run into my ironguts (and get a 10 for the impact hits!)

On Mike and Ed’s turn 3 they take a moment to think and then do the only thing that makes sense… they flee… I mean CHARGE!  The gore chariot and a regular chariot goes into the salamandars.  Their BSB flanks my ironguts.  The sabertusk into the gnoblars, a chariot into the stegadon and skinks flee from the fast cavalry.  A sad 2/1 magic phase still has them miasma -2 WS on my ironguts.  The salamanders get run down.  2 wounds are put on the steg, doing 1 to the mournfang.  I kill the firebell at the cost of my entire irongut unit and both characters (I win?)

ON our turn 3 and the steg dies in combat (my gnoblars don’t rally)
Their turn 4 and they chase one gnoblar unit off the table.  Our turn 4 and we don’t do anything.  Their turn 5 and they try to kill the last three gnoblars but only get 3.  Our turn 5 and the last model we have, a running gnoblar goes on vacation, denying Ed and Mike the pleasure of killing our last model.  In the end we get a rough beating.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Davis Doubles - Round 4 – Travis & Rex – Skaven & Bretonnia

The last time at this event, my partner Sean and I played Travis and Rex.  May have even been round 4.  Sean and I were playing our fast cavalry and skirmish army while Rex was still playing his Brets and Travis was playing ogres.  They determined that their best course of survival was to squish their entire army into a corner besides a large building and hold out for 5 turns.  Try as we might with salamanders we couldn’t score more points than the trebuchets were earning.  In the end the game was going to be a draw, until Travis’ ironblaster blew itself up and panicked two units off the table due to them being so packed in.  It gave us the win, and second for the event.  Rex doesn’t let me forget it, partially because another time we played he fled a charge where I needed an 11 to hit him, a combat I would win and therefore win the game.  He chose to flee because he needed less than an 11 to not run off the table.  In the end it came down to a rat dart that he hadn’t seen making a second charge and escorting him off the table.  Two tough losses in our history, and those kind of close games you don’t really forget.

This time Rex was still playing his Brets but I was playing Travis’ ogres (not really, but he was playing skaven while I was playing ogres instead of my skaven dark elves… so we’ll pretend we switched).

Going into the round we were 2-1 while they were 0-3.  We were supposed to play another team (Van, the overall winner) but as all the teams at the bottom had already played each other they had to mix up the standings.  5 rounds doesn’t really work with 8 teams (which should be 3 rounds).  I didn’t mind though, Rex and Travis are great guys and fun to play against.

Grey Seer, 4x on Lore of Ruin, 3x Warpstone tokens, power scroll
Bretonnian Lord, sword of swift slaying, gromril great helm, virtue of heroism, potion of foolhardiness

Chieftain, storm banner, halberd
Warlock Engineer, level 1, lore of Ruin, doom rocket, warp-energy condenser
Warlock Engineer, level 1, Lore of Ruin, dispel scroll
Damsel of the lady, level 1, lore of beasts, dispel scroll
Paladin, BSB, crown of command, dragonhelm, luckstone, warhorse

50 clan rats, full command, shield
27 clan rats, full command, spear, shield
5 Giant rats, 1 packmaster
5 Giant rats, 1 packmaster
8 Knights of the realm, full command, standard of discipline
8 Knights of the realm, full command, banner of swiftness
6 Knights of the realm, musician
6 Knights Errant, musician
10 Peasant Bowman, braziers, stakes
10 Peasant Bowman, braziers, stakes

9 Gutter runners, slings and poison

Warp lightning cannon
Hell pit abomination, warpstone spikes
Field Trebuchet

For spells Rex took wildform, while Travis took warp lightening (on the condenser), skitterleap (on the other engineer) and the seer took scorch, howling warp gale, cracks call and death frenzy.  I think crack call, in this mission, is the best thing in warhammer.  The reason being, we were playing Watchtower, the worst thing in warhammer and cracks call can say “F’ YOU’ GW by blowing up that damn building.

We rolled Spinemarrow, Brainbusta, Trollguts and Bullgorger while Chris took ice shard blizzard.

Rex and Travis got first deploy and put a unit of archers into the building.

For their deployment they put the brets mostly on the left, then the skaven and lastly the knights errant on the right away from the line and their fake frenzy protection.  They put that damn abomination right in the center.

For deployment we put a sabertusk on the right flank to screen the ironblaster, the some gnoblars to screen for the ironguts.  Then some skinks, the salamanders, and on the right some more gnobblars to screen for the man eaters and the rest of the skinks.  The carni and steg hid with the salamanders.

Even though they got the building, we got to go first.  Not so good as the building is worth 800 and that would give them the last chance to snag it in addition to the ability to start in it.  Oh well.  We move up and get ready to start applying pressure.  A 8/4 magic phase has us putting ice shard blizzard on the center scouted gutter runners.  We then failed to dispel trollguts.  In shooting we kill a gutter runner with a salamander, panicking them.  We kill 4 in the building, thanks to rerolling wounds.  We shoot up a unit of giant rats, with the packmaster making his armor save to keep the points.  Knights make the wards saves needed from the ironblaster, but we put 2 wounds on the trebuchet.

On their turn 1 they advance with the chaff and the ogres.  The abomination bee lines it to the center and the large block of rats starts to move to the building so that they can switch with the archers.  They charge a unit of skinks with their flyers and redirect into the sabertusk we put up there for them.  A rat dart charges, losing the packmaster to the stand and shoot.  Knights Errant charge on the right and miss losing a fellow on their ward save.  A huge 6SK/5Bret magic phase has them using 5 dice on wildform (this would be the pattern in their magic phases).  They then fail with warplightening, we fail to dispel Howling Warp Gale and we dispel scorch.  The trebuchet does 1 wound to the ironblaster.  The warplightening cannon goes strength 8, hitting 2 gnoblars and the carni.  He wounds them all.  The steg had put up a 5+ ward save bubble and we proceed to make ALL 4 saves.  The sabertusk shot with bows makes 1 of its 2 required saves, taking a wound.  The left sabertusk dies after doing a wound to the peg knights.  I skink dies but kills two giant rats to tie the combat and the knights errant blow through the skinks and off the table.

On our turn 2 they throw up the storm banner.  I think this was too early given that they hadn’t fired their doom rocket and had gotten off howling warpgale.  The carni charges the abom and uses his potion of speed.  We roll an 11PD 4Bret/3Sk magic phase.  They fail to dispel convergence.  My wizard then sucks himself in the warp with the stubborn spell – whose test was passed, ouch.  The pulse kills 1 knight out of the general’s unit, fails to wound the abom and kills 4 more out the building.  Flames kill some more archers and the rest can’t shoot (including the ironblaster).  Skinks kill giant rats but fail to catch the sole survivor.  Lord does a wound to the abom, knocking out the regeneration.  The abom then fails to wound the general.  The card swings 3 wounds, which on the D3 only go to 4 – letting the abom live and it holds on its stubborn sealing our doom.

On their turn 2 the stormbanner ends, failing to protect us (sad).  The general and his unit charges into our general to try to save the abom and take advantage of heroic killing blow.  The knights charge some gnoblars on the left and pass their dangerous terrain tests.  The large rat unit moves into the building.  Some giant rats rally, but the single guy runs off the table.  A 3Bret/4Sk 2DD magic phase has us cubing the first spell to end the phase.  Sabertusk dies to bow fire.  Treb scatters off the table.  The rocket does 2 wounds to the ironguts out of the building.  The warp lightening cannon escorts itself off the table.  7 gnoblars die to the knights, the lord fails to heroic killing blow the carni, doing 1 wound.  He then makes 6 6+ saves from our lord.  The lizard runs, getting run down.  The abom over runs into the building, while the knights overrun into the steg.  All fell apart once the abom didn’t die.  So sad.

Our turn 3 and we know we are hurting.  The ironguts charge the left knights, which flee and then get pushed off the table with a second charge from skinks.  The salamanders flank the abomination so that the man eaters can charge the building.  We did these last two things because we thought it was turn 4 and that we needed the building in case the game ended.  I was wrong, but it didn’t hurt us in the long run, I think don’t.  A 11PD 3DD each phase had the pulse killing another knight out of the general’s unit.  We also kill 1 clan rat (who cares) and once again fail to wound the abomination.  They scroll iceshard, which is our only spell.  The skinks shoot and kill 3 gutter runners which pass their test.  In shooting we also kill a knight on the left.  The ironblaster kills off the treb.  Rex then heroic killing blows the steg and runs down the skink priest.  Salamanders fail to wound the abomination and get killed.  The man eaters kill 10 clan rats and take the building.

Their turn 3 and the gutter runners charge some skinks which flee.  The knights charge the same unit, and due to the angles catch them in our backfield.  It does require the knights to charge through a forest and a swamp, causing them to drop to 1 model based on dangerous terrain tests.  The hellpit charges the other unit of salamanders and passes it’s dangerous terrain test due to the marsh.  A 5sk/3bret 5DD magic phase sees them failing with warplightening again, and then us allowing howling warp gale and scorch in order to save enough dispel dice for cracks call off of 5 warpstone tokens and the power scroll.  The salamanders kill the abomination in combat, losing only 3 skinks and a wound to the salamander.

Our turn 4 and we don’t have much to charge with.  I try to sniper the grey seer and put a wound on him.  We then kill 4 clan rats, which pass their panic.  The gutter runners get dropped to 2 models and panic.  The cannon misfires and loses its ability to shoot the rest of the game.

On their turn 4 and they charge some fleeing gnoblars off the table and then flank some skinks.  The rat dart fails a charge.  1 gutter runner dies due to dangerous terrain as it fails to rally.  A 4sk/3bret 3dd magic phase has us again allowing scorch and howling warpgale to prevent cracks call on the building.  The skinks die in combat.
The Game Continues to Turn 5
No charges this round and we try to protect the ironguts from the multiple charge charges the brets are trying to bring to bear.  The salamanders kill 13 clan rats on the grey seer’s unit, which pass their test.  Even then Chris had not put them in the correct position to have the panic be off the table.  Kill 2 giant rats but the packmaster passes its test.
On their turn 5 the knights charge the ironblaster but fail.  The general’s unit and clanrats charges some skinks.  A 6Sk/5Bret magic phase has us dispelling scorch and them not risking any other spells (at this point we would still be closest to center should they destroy the building and so it wouldn’t’ help them.  The skinks die in combat.
The game ends, and even with the 800 point building we lost by 480 points – for a minor loss.