Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Infernal Zoo – Round 4 – Andre Feliz – Warriors of Chaos

The Mission
Modified Battle for the Pass

Bonus Objectives
Forgot to make note of my objectives this round.  One was my contingent kills his contingent but I don’t recall the other.

The List
Daemon Prince, Mark of Nurgle, General, Level 2, Lore of Death, Demonic Flight, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Scaled Skin,

Chaos Sorcerer, Mark of Nurgle, Chariot, Level 2, Lore of Nurgle, Shrieking Blade, Dragonhelm, Dispel Scroll
Exalted Hero, Mark of Nurgle, BSB, Glittering Scales, Poisonous Slime

24 Chaos Warriors, Mark of Nurgle, full command, halbreds, shields

Chimera, Regen, Poison
3 Chaos Trolls


Toad Dragon
6 Plague Toads

The toad dragon is a beast with 10 wounds and T7.  It’s also immune to my S3 poison AND making me reroll to wound – so gutter runner proof.  It double thunder stomps and has mark of nurgle.  The plague toads are T4 with 2 wounds each, poison, Mv6 swiftstride and unstable/unbreakable like undead.

I once again rolled up double warplightning… another round I would have loved Crack’s Call.  Usually I don’t prefer Ruin over Plague, but I think the monster environment increases the lower initiative while at the same time increasing the toughness.

Andre took Plague Wind and Miasma on his Nurgle caster with Spirit Leech and Soul Blight on his death caster.  Miasma lower initiative, so when he defaulted purple sun to spirit leech I was quite surprised.

For Andre’s deployment he put the toads out on the left, though thanks to the mission’s requirements of 12” in and Andre not putting his unit on the edge, there was room for scouts.  He then put down his large warrior block with his center core of hell cannon and toad dragon.  The right side got the daemon prince with a cannon shield of trolls (doesn’t help versus warplightening cannon) and the right flank being covered by the chimera.

For my deployment I spread out the stormvermin, though I put two leftish.  I made sure my wizards were in range to get a look out sir should the hell cannon decide to snipe them.  My cannon also went on the left as it was his weaker side.  As previously noted, I put the scouts on the left near the toads.  If he went first they would be scrambling to catch up, but if I went first they would be in a good position to be a distraction.  The monsters held the center, the abomination on the right and the general on the left, just a little farther back to make the 6” away work in case the hell cannon got lucky.  The assassin scouted into the forest just in front of the brood horror and abomination.  I was expecting him to go straight forward with that toad dragon and wanted to be there to meet him.

For the fourth time in a row, I got to go first.

Turn 1 – Skaven
I started off my turn to prepare for turn 2.  My monsters all moved forward, but not far enough to encourage any changes.  My gutter runners moved to put pressure on the toads and distract them from trying to show interest in my cannon and soft stormvermy center.

I rolled a 9/6 magic phase and started out with an irresistible force casting of warplightning.  This got a wound through on the toad dragon, but lost me all my wizard levels.  The second spell was then dispelled.

The gutter runners put 5 wounds onto the toads, and with only 2 would each that knocked the unit to half strength.  The cannon rolled a misfire on the second roll.

Turn 1 – Warriors of Chaos
Andre’s first turn and he pushes it all up, including the dragon in the center.  The toads on the left fail their march test and so can’t get away from the gutter runners.

He rolls an 8/7 magic phase.  I start off by scrolling spirit leech on my dispel scroll caster.  I then dispel soul blight on my abomination, and miasma on his toad dragon fails.

The hell cannon misses.

Turn 2 – Skaven
Having moved the toad dragon up like I had hoped, I use both my potions and charge it with the assassin and all three brood horrors.  The abomination then turns and runs into its flank.  This gives both of us 1 bonus point and the winner two.  I think his plan was the same as mine… get in the center and earn that bonus point.  My little stuff moves out of the charge arches of the chimera and daemon prince.

My magic is weak at 7/5, and he scrolls my only spell.

The rocket rolls a mighty 22 on just 4 dice, over shooting the warriors, though I clip 1 and he passes his armor save.  The cannon misfires and shoots backwards.  The gutter runners do 4 more wounds, leaving 1 toad with 1 wound left.

In the combat my assassin fails his fear test.  The toad’s tongue attack fails to hit.  I get 4 wounds from impact hits (leaving him at half), then the assassin fails to do anything.  The abomination saves face with 2 wounds (3 wounds left!).  The toad dragon passes all of his armor saves versus my lord, which is disappointed as 2 would have turned into 4.  Then the three brood horrors go and roll 6 poison hits, more than felling the mighty toad dragon.  I push forward with all the brood horrors and the assassin to avoid counter charges (from all by the hell cannon), and the abomination turns to face the trolls, daemon price and chimera (with frontage for either the two monsters or the trolls).

Turn 2 – Warriors of Chaos
Andre starts off his turn by failing his berserk roll with his hell cannon.  After a very close measure, he gets and passes on the BSB.

The trolls charge the abomination.  The chariot wizard charges the flank of a brood horror.  The hell cannon then tries to join the chariot, from which I flee through the trolls.  The chimera then charges that same brood horror to clean him up.  Both the chariot and the hell cannon fail their test to redirect.  The last toad charges my caster, but I flee, stranding him right next to the gutter runners.

Andre gets a 7/5 magic phase, which goes well as I fail to dispel both soulblight on the abomination and spirit leech.  Lucky for me, the spirit leech fails to wound.

The abomination does 3 wounds to the troll, taking 2.  The tie combat means everyone gets to look pretty.

Turn 3 – Skaven
My night runners decide this is a good time to come on, but then roll a misfire, killing all but 7 and preventing them from charging the toad and forcing me to utilize my gutter runners to kill it.

I charge my general and the last brood horror into the cannon.  I consider doing just 1, but decide I want to get away from the daemon prince, not turn to face him.  The assassin charges the wizard on the chariot.

My engineer fails to rally.

I get a dice 11/6 magic phase, but as I only have 1 spell I can only throw 6.  I lose the 6 v 6 roll off.

In shooting the night runners and one of the units of gutter runners kill the toad.  The other gutter runners kills 3 warriors.  The cannon knocks off the charmed shield from the daemon prince.

The assassin fails his fear test, but still gets 2 wounds on the chariot (really 1 that D3’d to 2)..  He then passes all his saves and the chariot doesn’t flee.  The hell cannon passes its ward saves on impact.  The lord then kills a handler and does 2 wounds to the cannon.  The brood horror follows through and kills the cannon and both run off the table.  The abomination and trolls each exchange 1 wound and decide to wait for another turn together.

Turn 3 – Warriors of Chaos
Andre tries to flank the abomination with the warrior block but fails his charge.  That could have gone really well for me if I had rolled well on his attacks, but then it could also have gone really bad with a half-life abomination.  The daemon prince and chimera move into a position to pincer the two brood horrors as they come back on the table.

An 11/7 magic phase has me dispelling soulblight on the abomination, but Andre does get Miasma off, making the abomination initiative and weapon skill 1.

Despite the debuff, the abomination still does 2 wounds and only takes 1 back.  The trolls pass their test.  The assassin does another wound to the chariot and takes 1 for his trouble.  Both combats continue.

Turn 4 – Skaven
I don’t have any charges.  The engineer doesn’t rally.  The gutter runners move to start putting some pressure down.  My general and the other brood horror separate to prevent the chimera and prince effectively working together to kill both (and he won’t charge both with one as I would just challenge with my general and the other was the one I put further away and a failed charge would mean a counter flank by my general).

I roll a 9/5 magic phase, but don’t get the 6s and he dispels my casting.

The cannon misfires for 0S, and the gutter runners do 1 wound to the chimera.

In combat the assassin can’t get through the saves, but also makes all his saves.  The trolls take another wound, fail to respond and finally break and get run down.

Turn 4 – Warriors of Chaos
For charges the daemon prince charges my general.  The chimera decides not to take the brood horror on and charges a unit of gutter runners.  They fail their terror test and run off the table.  He then redirects into the other unit, which flees but gets caught and killed.  Ouch.  The warriors again fail their charge, this time into the rear of the abomination.

A 7/5 magic phase has me dispelling soulblight on my general.  I then fail to dispel miasma on the wizard.

The daemon prince fails to get through the saves of my general, and then the brood horror manages to get 3 wounds through.  The assassin fails his fear, kills the chariot and makes his saves.

Turn 5 – Skaven
I counter charge the daemon prince in the flank with the other brood horror.

The wizard finally runs off the table.  I move the abomination across the river, though farther then I would have liked.  I wanted him out of the block’s charge, but still close enough for me to come back should he go after the assassin.

An 8/5 magic phase and I don’t even bother given that there aren’t any good targets (just the block with the chimera out of range).

The cannon AGAIN rolls S0.

The assassin and wizard both whiff and the combat is a push.  The daemon prince dies to the impact hits.

Turn 5 – Warriors of Chaos
The nurgle block rears the assassin in order to add the static combat to the challenge.

A 9/7 magic phase has me dispelling miasma.  Andre then casts his vortex, but shoots it at the brood horrors in the hopes that it will create an impassible terrain that would disrupt my ability to counter charge.

In combat the assassin again fails fear, but still kills the caster (ending the impassible terrain vortex).  The assassin then runs, but escapes.

Turn 6 – Skaven
The Brood Horror and General charge the nurgle block.  The assassin doesn’t rally.  The abomination doesn’t come back far enough to charge the nurgle block.

I roll a 7/4 magic phase and put another wound on the chimera.  The cannon hits the chimera and… ROLLS A 1 TO WOUND.

In combat I kill 5 in impact hits.  The BSB challenges, but fails to hit my general.  The BSB makes his save versus my general but gets eaten by the brood horror.  The other horror takes a wound, then kills 3, breaths for 2 more and thunderstomps 5.  The remaining 9 warriors pass their test but fail to reform

Turn 6 – Warriors of Chaos
The chimera tries to save the day by soloing the brood horror in the rear.

The brood horror does 1 wound to the chimera, taking 2.  As he had been pushed out of the combat last round due to lack of space he isn’t spared, failing his stubborn and getting run down.  My general then kills his challenging champion, doing a total of 6 wounds.  By doing this Andre kept his steadfast, but it doesn’t help him as he fails his test and gets run down leaving him just the chimera on the board.

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