Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hobby Update - 2 Down 8 Left

Ran out of rifles that I cut last time (6 months ago or something). I actually ended up cutting it a little shorter and repinning. 

Second one, on right, got a clan rat arm to give him a more shooting pose. Cant say I am big fan of these guns after working with them. But the focus is on the vroom-vroom, this is just paying the core tax. 

Adepticon – Warhammer Championships– Round 2 – Nameless – Warriors of Chaos

Seems I didn’t write down his name and it wasn’t on the army list he gave me.  A week after the game I couldn’t remember his name.

Terrain:  All forests are mysterious.
His forest is fungal.

Deployment: Blood & Glory

Special Rules
Hidden Mission, we both got Crossing the Line (general finish game in opponent’s deployment zone.
Standard victory conditions, not Blood & Glory

Bonus Points
+3 for making secret mission.

(Plus 3 Points for Terrain)

The List
Sorcerer Lord, Level 4, Mark/Lore/Disc of Tzeentch, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Flaming Breath

Exalted Hero, Mark of Tzeentch, BSB, daemonic mount, armor of destiny, soul feeder, shield
Exalted Hero, Mark of Tzeentch, daemonic mount, dragonhelm, talisman of endurance, potion of foolhardiness

Chaos Chariot, mark of slannash
Chaos Chariot, mark of slannash
Chaos Chariot, mark of nurgle
Chaos Chariot, mark of nurgle
Chaos Chariot, mark of nurgle
5 Chaos warhounds
5 Chaos warhounds

Gorebeast Chariot, mark of nurgle
5 Hellstriders of Slaanesh, musician, banner

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne, musician, banner, banner of eternal flame
3 Skullcrushers of Khorne, musician, banner, gleaming pennant

Well, this was a list I knew I would see at the event but didn’t want to see across the table from me.  It’s not that it can reach out and touch me as it really can’t, but it is VERY hard from me to get points off this unit and the chariots really allow it to cover a lot of angles.  I also made a huge mistake.  I saw that blood & glory in the deployment type and didn’t see the win conditions were 100 points and that there was no bonus for breaking.  As such, I approached this mission completely wrong.  I really needed to read the missions more carefully, as this was the second time the weekend I messed up the missions.

I took doom and darkness and spirit leech on my death caster and searing doom on my metal caster.

His general took Treason of Tzeentch, Pink Fire, Bolt of Change and Glean magic.

We both got solid spells and have solid lists.  Now to find out if not taking a level 4 will be the end of me.

My opponent bunkered sort of in the left corner, layering his army in a way that made me glad I wasn’t playing with flyers.  He put the dogs on the back edge, which confused me when they could have at least covered angles or distracted me.

I deployed bunker across from his army, a unit of dark riders to sneak up the left flank and the rest center/right to start setting up shooting positions and pull his army apart to make interior safe zones.

I got the first turn.

Turn 1 – Dark Elves
I start my turn by shooting the left dark rider unit all the way down the line to begin to open up on the hellstriders (want that banner right, silly not reading mission).  Also has the benefit of making him think of turning units around, which disrupts angle coverage.

A 6/5 magic phase has me drawing his scroll with a 6D big searing doom on the right skull crusher unit.

The BTs do a wound to a skull crusher and a chariot but my strength 3 shooting just can’t get through the high toughness and good armor saves.

Turn 1 – Warriors of Chaos
The warriors advance.  The hellstriders move to the corner to try to get a charge on my dark riders.

A 6/4 magic phase has me allowing a 2D treason on my big bunker.  I couldn’t figure out how he would get the panic test outside of the magic phase.  He did pick up a die with a 6 thought (7/4).  A 5D pink fire gets its double 6s but doesn’t hit the dark riders (over shoots).  Nothing happens from the miscast thanks to the sill 3++ rerolling 1s.

Turn 2 – Dark Elves
My death start charges a chariot with the hopes of over running into the skullcruchers, killing them on his turn and running away – still being silly and hunting banners.  I make it in, surprised he didn’t flee (probably because he didn’t care about the banners!).

While moving around I do lose 2 dark riders to the forest.

A 7/4 magic phase has me 6D SB onto the chariot, which he fails to dispel.  I then 1D plus power stone to searing doom and kill a chariot.  He passes panics.

In shooting I kill another 3 more hellstriders.

In combat I pop the chariot and over run into the Skullcrushers.

Turn 2 – Warriors of Chaos
I start his turn my using both my potions in the skullcrusher combat.

His army turns around to face my death star.

A 9/5 magic phase has him only really having treason to cast, but he doesn’t.

I kill 2 skullcrushers, losing only my champion.  He breaks and the last model, the banner, kills himself.

Turn 3 – Dark Elves
This is the time I figure out that we aren’t playing for banners, well right after I move.  I’m not really sure what I was thinking this turn, but my movement was a huge mistake.  For some reason, I don’t just swing my bunker back to my side of the table through his units.  Instead I move to his board edge and turn around, drawing the possible charges from more than one unit.  Moving back would have seen some charges but not nearly as many I think.  I don’t know what I was thinking as its been 3 weeks.  Anyways, stupid choice.

My dark rider unit in the forest fails its stupidity test.

I roll a 5/4 magic phase.  A 5D big searing doom fails.

In shooting I kill the hellstriders and shoot everything at the BSB in the hopes of killing him before he charges my bunker.  I manage 1 wound through the 1+ armor and 3+ non-rerolling wardsave.

Turn 3 – Warriors of Chaos
The chariot, general and non-BSB hero charges my bunker.  I put 2 wounds on the chariot from the stand and shoot.  They all make it in.  Yuck.

A 7/7 magic phase sees him rolling 6D and irresistibly casting treason on my bunker dropping their leadership to 5 due to the horses and no BSB use.  The miscast takes a wizard level and the spell, but the damage is done.

Impact kills 6 doom fire warlocks, sealing my loss in the combat.  My general does 1 wound to his hero and I kill the chariot.  His general uses the breath weapon but only does 1 wound to a master.  I lose combat and don’t make the leadership 5 test.  My unit runs off the table and he reforms.

That was 1300 points dead.  The unit did kill a unit of skull crushers and 2 chariots, so I’m really only down 800 points for the unit.  I’ve already killed another chariot and the hellstriders so this loss puts me about 600 points down.  However, it has cost me most of my ability to take on the high T, great armor saves.

Turn 4 – Dark Elves
Im casting around, trying to figure out how I’m going to pick up the points I need to come back.  I spot a unit of dark riders able to charge the dogs and declare it, hoping to pick up the points quickly and move on versus shooting him and risking him making his leadership.  I lose a dark rider for the forest.

I also see that my dark riders have a charge on the rear of the BSB, which was still turned around from facing my death star but hadn’t been in the combat and so couldn’t reform afterwards.  At WaaaghPACA, I recalled Mike Gerold had always been super careful not to allow my reevers to get a flank on his BSB, equipped the same but also having the reroll on the ward save.  At the time I thought he was crazy, but I was down 600 points, and if Mike says it’s a good play than I should at least try it – never before had the chance.  So I do, declaring the charge on the rear of the BSB with a unit of dark riders.

I roll an 8/5 magic phase.  I 4D doom bolt on a chariot doing 3 wounds.  I 4D doom and darkness on the BSB, which is dispelled.

All my shooting doesn’t do jack including missing with all 3 BTs.

In combat I manage to actually do a wound to the BSB, putting him at 1 wound.  I lose 3 dark riders for my trouble.  The BSB then fails his test to hold and kills himself.  I over run into the flank of the general.  We are both left baffled by what we just saw happen, but I’m happy as that’s another 300 points.

Oh, and I kill the dogs.

Turn 4 – Warriors of Chaos
I’m not even sure he moved anything, and if he didn’t it wasn’t much.  He skipped magic, left with kill spells that weren’t usable.

In combat neither side manages to wound, and he holds down 3 (banner, flank and charge).  He fails to reform though.

Turn 5 – Dark Elves
My turn 5 and I’m still just moving around.

A 7/6 magic phase has a 3D doombolt failing and a 4D DND dispelled.

My shooting again does nothing.

In combat I lose 2 dark riders which causes a tie.  I win by musician and he holds and reforms.

Turn 5 – Warriors of Chaos
His exalted hero joins the combat.  Together they kill the dark riders off.

Turn 6 – Dark Elves
I figure I’m already losing and charge another unit of dark riders into the flank of the general.

A 10/5 magic phase has me 6D large searing doom irresistibly on the crushers but only get 4 wounds.  I lose a doom fire warlock and put a wound on each of my wizards.  I also lose 2 power dice (8/5).  A 2D DND is dispelled.

The BTs do 2 wounds to a chariot.

In combat I still can’t wound and lose 1.  He holds but again fails to reform.

Turn 6 – Warriors of Chaos
Not much left to do, we just move onto combat.  The general kills another dark rider, but still loses combat by 1, fails his charge and gets run down finishing the swing of the game back to me and giving me a win.

Gotta say, deserved to lose that game, but glad to see that I was able to pull it out without my 1300 point death star crutch.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hobby Update - Unit Command

Unit command done. Banner is from some dwarf kit, champion has an outrider repeater and musican is using a clan rat bone mallet. That leaves 10 guys left for the unit plus 3 unit fillers. I scrapped my old attempt at a filler and picked up something new.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hobby Time - Whats Next

I think next Ill work on the unit.

Adepticon – Warhammer Championships– Round 1 – Jason Eversole – Daemons of Chaos

Terrain:  All forests are mysterious.
My forest is a wildwood.

Deployment: Battleline

Special Rules
Every spell casting attempt is cast with irresistible force and miscast on any double 6 and any double of the number matching the game turn.  Opponent may modify any miscast by 1 in either direction.

Bonus Points
+1 for each enemy model/unit that can channel or generate power/dispel dice that is destroyed at the end of the game to a maximum of +3 points.
(Plus 3 Points for Terrain)

The List
Great Unclean One, Level 4 wizard, lore of nurgle, greater gift, greater gift

Herald of Nurgle, BSB, level 1 wizard, lore of nurgle, greater locus of fecundity
Hearld of Nurgle, greater locus of fecundity

35 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, full command, gleaming pennant
19 Plague Bearers of Nurgle, full command

6 Beasts of Nurgle
2 Nurglings
2 Nurglings

Respect for no skill cannons.

I ask him at the beginning if he rolls for gifts before or after magic.  The reason it matters is that Searing doom doesn’t do anything to his army unless his greater daemon takes the 2+ armor save.  We roll off, and it’s decided that spells are decided first.  I want to kill that daemon, and armor saves without searing doom would make that VERY hard.

I take searing doom on my metal wizard with purple sun and spirit leech on my death caster.

He takes Miasma, curse of the leper, fleshy abundance and plague wind on the daemon.  Unlike the nurgle spells on the game a few days before, these spells can defiantly touch me.  The BSB picks up stream of corruption.

The greater daemon ends up taking soul feeder and bale sword, giving him the ability to heal and D3 wounds.

Jason bunkers his army in the left corner.  I think this was a great play, as it limited my ability to move around and allowed him to react to me more directly as he kept me in front of him.  Looking back he probably should have done it in the other corner, as that would have left me moving through the water as I moved around, versus in the open.  But I still think it was a great idea.  Spreading out his unit formations some might have helped as well.

I deployed in the center as I didn’t want to deal too much with the water.

The swarms both went in the forest in my deployment zone.

I vanguarded strong on the right, and in the center.  The left just turned to face the swarms.

He gets the first turn.

Turn 1 – Daemons of Chaos
Jason starts by advancing up, keeping his beasts covering his back flank so I can’t move around.  Downside is he is slow.  The greater daemon does strike out a little bit ahead to get into spell range.

The forest does 1 wound to the swarm unit.

A 4/3 magic phase reduces his ward save.  A 4D plague win goes off as I fail my dispel.  It kills 2 dark riders and 1 doom fire warlock.  He gets a plague bearer added to the larger unit.

Turn 1 – Dark Elves
I charge the first swarm unit with just the extra dread lord.  Going in with the unit would put me too close for comfort with the beasts.

The forest kills a sword model.

I roll an awesome 2/1 magic phase and put a 2D soul blight onto the swarms.

All my shooting manages 2 wounds on the greater daemon.

The swarm loses but lives with 1 wound.

Turn 2 – Daemons of Chaos
With the solo lord out of range there are no charges.  I think I left him some max charges in the hopes he’d give me some stand and shoot, but he doesn’t bite.

He continues his advance, but opens up his left flank by moving the beasts towards center.  He starts to get bogged down in the water.  The greater daemon again stays ahead.

A 9/8 magic phase sees no 6s.  A 3D curse of the lepper on my bunker lowers toughness by 1 on a failed dispel.  A 3D plague wind at the unit fails to cast.

I kill the swarm.

Turn 2 – Dark Elves
I move my bunker into the hole on the back edge.

Its turn 2, and my magic phase will see a lot of 2s.  I start with a 9/5 magic phase.  I 2D irresistible soul blight on the greater daemon.  I then 2D soulblight from the other dark rider unit on the greater daemon.  I then 5D irresistible purple sun down his unit line.  I only roll a 2, but still kill 8 plague bearers.  I get 3D back (12/5) and lose 2 warlocks.  I then 3D a doom bolt at the greater daemon but its dispelled.

All my shooting puts 3 more wounds on the greater daemon.  He makes 12 5+ saves, so 12/15 on a 33% save.  Massive.

Turn 3 – Daemons of Chaos
With a really wounded greater daemon, Jason has the option to charge him into a bolt thrower and pick up 2 wounds back with soul feeder.  For some reason he doesn’t, I’m not sure why.

Jason does dart the daemon to my deployment zone and begins to scramble with his units as I get around him.

An 8/6 magic phase has me making a leadership test with a caster.  I pass.  A 3D curse of the leper is dispelled and I scroll the plague wind.  I’m hopeful I will kill the greater daemon on the next turn with focused shooting and so don’t feel the need to save it.

Turn 3 – Dark Elves
I debate charging the greater daemon with my bunker.  I may kill it but if I fail the charge I would get flanked by the beasts.  I decide to keep playing it safe and don’t charge.

In moving, my BSB takes a wound and lose a warlock thanks to the forest.

A 9/7 magic phase has me 3D irresistible soul blight on the greater daemon.  I then 3D irresistible it again on the daemon.  I take 2 wounds, 1 on the metal wizard and one doom fire warlock.  A 3D doom bolt on the greater daemon is dispelled.

The first bolt thrower takes down the greater daemon.  With my shooting out of position now, I’m only able to kill 3 plague bearers off the big unit and 1 off the small.

Turn 4 – Daemons of Chaos
The last swarm unit tries to flank the doom fire warlocks but fails.  He moves around a little.  But has lost what control of the game he had.

Turn 4 – Dark Elves
I continue my dance.

I roll a 10/6 magic phase.  He dispels my first 3D soul blight on the large plague bearer unit, but the second 3D spell goes.  I then 4D doom bolt, but only kill 1.

Shooting kills 11 off the large unit.

Turn 5 – Daemons of Chaos
Still trying to track me.  He rolls double 1s for his magic phase which does a wound to the swarms.

Turn 5 – Dark Elves
I find that I can’t get out of the way in all cases.

9/4 magic phase sees the first 3D soulblight on small unit going off with the second dispelled.  A 3D doom bolt on the large unit kills 5.  My shooting kills 12 off what was the larger unit.

Turn 6 – Daemons of Chaos
The former larger unit fails a charge at a bolt thrower.  The smaller unit does charge the character bunker, losing 1 to stand and shoot.

A 10 on the magic gives him +1 ward save… very well timed.

IN combat, I kill the character and 10 plague bearers, leaving 5 to fight.  He pops on the snakes test.

Turn 6 – Dark Elves
My bunker flanks the former large unit.

An 11/6 magic phase sees 1 soul blight going off on the unit.  In combat I kill everything remaining but the two character who then die on the leadership test.