The mission was meeting engagement. Alex won the roll and chose the side with the building. I also would have chosen that side, just to prevent Alex from ever getting close to the building. Alex brought:

Sorcerer-Prophet, General, Level 4, Lore of Hashut, Darkforge Weapon (rolled +1 to channel), charmed shield, dispel scroll, talisman of preservation (that’s a leadership 10, ITP wizard that also allowed rerolls on warmachines, with a 3+ armor and a 4+ ward, if you’re keeping track).
Infernal Castellan, BSB, Black Hammer of Hashut, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Potion of Speed (that’s a 2+ armor, 5+ ward, makes unit stubborn, S6 always auto kill flammable unit if wounds which could act before a flammable hydra)
Daemonsmith Sorcerer, Level 1, Lore of Fire, Chalice of Blood and Darkness (4+ armor wizard/engineer). I think this guy would have been better as a metal wizard, though the fire did allow him to target the shades.
Hobgoblin Khan, wolf, warrior bane (4+ T2, 2W redirector)
10 Infernal Guard, full command, fireglaves, banner of eternal flame

Deathshrieker Death Rocket

K’daai Destroyer
For spells, the level 1 took Fireball while the Level 4 took Ashstorm (makes a unit flammable AND -1 to shoot AND can’t march AND can’t charge), Curse of Hashut (Fate of Bjuna in Death Lore), Flames of Azgorath (Small/Large template doing D6Ws) and Burning Wrath (8” D6 S6 ‘Fireball’).
For the meeting engagement mission Alex only rolled a 1 for his Hobgoblins and I only rolled a 1 for my Level 4.
Alex had chosen the right flank corner with the building. His small Infernal Guard went into the building (joined by level 1), with the Khan and Fireborn to the right of that, the warmachines to the left and slightly behind the building (but within 3’ of the building for engineer support from level 1). The block went in front of the warmachines, with the K’aadi holding the ‘left’ and the iron daemon more ‘center’.

You’ll notice that the hobgoblins are horded. This is not how they were when he came to the table. Alex, being a crafty player, actually changed his play in response to my list – a sign of a great player.
My turn 1 and I move to react to the center k’aadi. Hoping to lure it around for a little longer, I shift the hydras into the corner. If I can pull the k’aadi in the hopes to trap the hydras I can counter with my BSB and free the hydras to go crazy. My last unit of shades rolls into the forest; both to be stubborn should the hobgoblins charge but also to be protected should they shoot. I roll a crap magic phase (2PD/1DD) and Alex ends it with the chalice, taking away all my dice before I even get a chance to cast a spell. In shooting my general and his magic shooting puts a wound on the k’aadi. I also kill a few hobgoblins and dwarves and put a wound on the khan.

My general flies right next to the k’aadi because I have seen my chance to win the game. Alex has lined up his K’aadi, Iron Daemon, Big Block and both warmachines (even better, the angle I choose hits all but 1 model the block and clips the building). This line would allow me to hit nearly his entire army with a purple sun. Knowing the Chalice could really hurt me here, and he still has a dispel scroll, I roll for my dice and get a strong phase (11PD/6DD). Not wanting to take any risks, I declare big sun and scoop and roll all 11 dice. I roll 6 6s and the sun is on its way. Big moment, and I’m braced for the worst 9(Waaagh!PACA’s wonderful miscast followed by a 6). I roll a 2, hitting only the Iron Daemon and the Initiative 5 K’aadi. Alex takes pity and rolls 2 6’s, clearing his monsters. I thank him and take my wizard off on a 4 followed by not a 4+.

This turn could have easily seen me win, heck nearly board my opponent. Instead I lost nearly 700 points. That’s why we roll dice, right?
Alex’s turn 3. His block moves a little to see around the building. I manage to keep his magic phase to just killing 1 dark rider, during which he gives me his level 1. In shooting he kills off some dark riders with his last two fireglaives and deathshrieker. His magma cannon misfires and gives up this and next turn. In combat the last shade dies and the assassin takes a wound before breaking and running.

Alex’s turn 4 and he Ashstorms the hydra moving towards his block, but kills 7 in the unit and wounds the general. The hobgoblins move up and throw shit at the assassin, causing the last wound.
My turn 4 and a hydra charges the building and kills off the last of the small infernal guard unit.
Alex’s turn 5 is uneventful.
My turn 5 and the BSB hops the building and a hydra goes around to kill both warmachines.
Alex’s turn 6 and he takes a hydra down to 1 wound.
My turn 6 and I have his block with both characters pinned between both hydras and the BSB. Alex wants me to charge him so he can kill the last remaining wound. I’m afraid if I do charge he will flee, and my other hydra will give him the distance to get away. I charge with the rear hydra. I charge with the BSB, hoping he won’t flee. Alex indicates he wants his stand and shoot against the other hydra, but I had already decided not to put him in a position to die (STUPID). Combat insures, and I get him down to 2 Infernal guard, 1 wound left on the lord and a full BSB (plus the hobgoblins). That second hydra might have scored me the 2 warriors.
For playing a good player against one of my top 4 match ups I was actually happy with how I did. A few dice rolls different and I would have dominated. I felt that I was never out of the game, that even a slight shift could have swung it towards me.
Alex said he would provide his pictures, so if he does I will try to add them in at the end with captions (since they will be from his prospective, left/right comments on my part above will be reversed, duh, but had to be said).
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