Saturday, October 5, 2013

Infernal Zoo – The List

Last year my five monster army comped fairly well.  As I recall they provided the scores ahead of time and then allowed people to shift their army around if they didn’t like their score.  I don’t think they are doing that again (it may have only been to the worst of the worst).  This year, I’ve decided not to pick up the abominations, and I think I used the fellblade last year (which I’m not thinking this year). 

The first list I considered was:

Warlord, General, Brood Horror (Lash Tail, Rusted Armor, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath), Shield, Dragon Helm, Talisman of Preservation, Potion of Speed, Weeping Blade.

Warlock Engineer, Level 1, Doom Rocket, Warp Energy Condensor
Warlock Engineer, Level 1, Dispel Scroll

24 Stormvermin, musician, banner, gleaming pennent, warpfire thrower
24 Night Runners, Warp-grinder Team

10 Gutter Runners, Slings, Poison
10 Gutter Runners, Slings, Poison

Warp Lightening Cannon
Warp Lightening Cannon

Brood Horror, Lash Tail, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath
Brood Horror, Lash Tail, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath

The trick with this army will to not shoot myself with the doom wheels.  A trick I’m not sure I’ve figured out.  I considered taking a Vermin Lord in my lord spot, with his mighty D3 wounds.  The lord however has a 2+ armor save and a 4+ ward save on a mount with a 5+ armor save and 4+ regeneration save.  The vermin lord gets a 5+ ward save and nuked by lore of light.  He also can’t be my general, which means instead of a mighty leadership 7, I will be stuck with my leadership 6 on the monsters.

I honestly don’t think I will do that well… but we’ll see.

Last year I ran into two tomb kings players who had taken giant scarabs.  Those scarabs have to be one of the nastiest monsters.  This year, I’m hoping to see two tomb kings players, as I can put my night runners to hunt their hierophant.  My shooting still won’t do anything as that bastard has like a toughness of 8 or something silly.  My cannons just won’t do it and I can’t run both doom wheels at it or they will kill each other.

What I think would be cool is if the first doom wheel killed all three brood horrors, and the second doom wheel killed the lord, a cannon and the other doom wheel.  The last cannon then misfires, rolls random and kills a doom wheel.  Finally, the warpfire thrower misfires, runs into stormvermin, and panics them off the table.  That would be awesome.

The second list I considered was:

Warlord, General, Brood Horror (Lash Tail, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath), Shield, Dragon Helm, Talisman of Preservation, Blade of Corruption, Potion of Foolhardiness.

Warlock Engineer, Level 1, Doom Rocket, Warp Energy Condensor
Warlock Engineer, Level 1, Dispel Scroll
Assassin, Potion of Strength, Weeping Blade

25 Night Runners, Warp-grinder Team
10 Stormvermin, banner
10 Stormvermin, banner
10 Stormvermin, banner

10 Gutter Runners, Slings, Poison
10 Gutter Runners, Slings, Poison

Hell Pit Abomination
Warp Lightening Cannon

Brood Horror, Lash Tail, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath
Brood Horror, Lash Tail, Skyre Claws, Pestilent Breath

This list is closer to what I ran last year.  I threw in the assassin and changed the weapon on the warlord to take better advantage of the multi-wound.  The assassin should be hitting on 3s with his 3 attacks, and at strength 7 with a -5 to armor he should be able to take on some ogres or most monsters.  Giving the Warlord strength 5 and doubling wounds gives him a little buff and with one turn with 5 attacks he is almost promising to gack himself.  But with a ward save I’m hoping he’ll give a little before he dies.  I also broke up the stormvermin, instead of having bunker for both wizards, I have a few extra banners to hold quarters with and the engineers can just find some place to hide.  Perhaps with 3 Mv 8 monsters and 1 3D6 monster, plus 20 gutter runners and an assassin I can keep my opponent off of my side of the table.

I’m conflicted on the night runners, but last year I faced 2 tomb kings armies because of that damn awesome scarab and I’m hoping I can surprise someone and sneak out their hirophant (yeah right).  That and they are just funny.  I put all that effort into making the units, the least I can do is run them again.

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