Thursday, October 3, 2013

Infernal Zoo – Story

The Davis events always provide a point or two for a story.  I didn’t put as much effort into this one as I have previously, but it shall suffice.

Warlord Squelch shifted in his saddle, his tail whipping in annoyance as he gazed down onto the field.  Enginseer Wardskum had promised him grand power through the swirling storms.  He had fulfilled that promise, providing him with four mighty monsters upgraded with stolen man-thing metal magics.  They had also provided their supreme iron monster that the assassin-rats of Clan Eshin had stolen for an outrageous price.  Warlord Squelch had been promised the power he deserved and it had been granted.  But despite his power, Warlord Squelch was not happy.

The army arrayed before him was large, and it seemed they had also taken strength from the storms.

With a twitch of his tail he ordered Adept Ikizeltic and his followers forward to destroy the enemy’s monsters.  He would sell their remains to the flesh peddlers back in Skavenblight.

With a snear he ordered Enginseeer Wardskum to target the enemy’s lines, any survivors would swell the ranks of his slaves.

With mighty cry he unleashed his hounds, and after just the right pause… enough to allow his hounds to gain a lead, but not enough to let them get away from his commands, he lashes his tale along the side of his mount, sending it barreling down the hill and into the waiting soft lines of his enemy.

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