Monday, May 13, 2013

Adepticon Singles - Introduction

This is the first time that Adepticon was 5 rounds, and that was the key factor that brought me back – and will keep bringing me back.  This year they broke all previous attendance at 156 players.  I saw a lot of familiar faces from my travels to Northstar and WaaaghPaca.  Unlike the west coast, where we play 2500, this event was 2400 and allowed all special characters and any unit from the Chaos Dwarf book, including the empire, warriors and daemon models (though it did not allow cross army book mixing).

The breakdown for the event was 75 battle points (with a 15 for win, 10 for draw and 5 for loss), 25 bonus battle points and 5 for objectives (the objectives where the same for every game – 1 point per held terrain feature – held being largest model unit, also the closest within 6” and more than one terrain piece could be held by a single unit).

There were also 25 points for appearance and 75 points for sportsmanship.

All the terrain was fixed, and pretty much the same per table, with two forests, two hills, 1 impassible or water feature and 1 building (though on some it was a pyramid people tended to use as a third hill).

I didn’t have a chance to look around at the lists before playing, so I didn’t go in with a ‘don’t play list.’

Also, towards the end of the event, I started to run out of pages in my note book – 8 games would do that I guess.  Therefore, I apologize for anything that comes off slightly truncated.  It’s hard to remember as many details when not only do I have 8 games to write, but also the amount of time it has taken me to write.

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