I got some fire to put on when I addthe heads also. Thats for tomorrow, which will put me into my paint time, which sucks. Only a few days behind though, so I should be ok.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Hobby Update - Weapons On
Got the weapons on each guy. There is a good mix in there. Many are in need of some greenstuff, which is fine as I still need to do the feet.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Hobby Update - Legs Done
Here is a quick shot of the units before I get started on the arms. Still need to greenstuff around he wolf feet.
And of course there is that bolt thrower that is still in need of building b
WaaaghPACA! – Round 5 – Ben Cone (from Wisco Dice) – Dark Elves
You may recall I was supposed to play Mr. Cone round 2 for a few
minutes before the scores were corrected, and I was glad to be given another
chance. Ben always seems like a
nice guy and anything that wasn’t X of Chaos was a list I wanted to play. This also would give me a chance to see
the new Dark Elves in action.
Deployment: Battleline
Man of Intrigue: Generates Fortitude per rule above only.
Scenario Points:
Points – Win by 100 points
points – Tie (within 100 points)
Points – Lose by less than 300 points
point – Lost by more than 300 points
points – Lost by more than 1,000 points
Objective (1 point): Have more fortitude within 12”of the center
of the table at the end of the game.
The List
Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Lore of Shadow
Dreadlord, Dark Pegasus, Lance, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Obsidian Trinket, Cloak of Twilight
Sorceress, Level 2, Dark Steed, Lore of Dark Magic
Sorceress, Level 2, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll
18 Witch Elves, musician, banner, Gleaming Pennant (MoI)
15 Darkshards, banner, shield
5 Dark Riders, musician, crossbow
5 Dark Riders, musician, crossbow
Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower
19 Black Guard, full command, razor standard
6 Shades
I really like his list. He has a little bit of everything. I would make a couple of tweeks. I think the missions really call for the dark riders to have banners, and I’m not sure the dark magic caster was needed (he would give those banners plus a ward save on the level 4). Other than that, I really liked the list. I knew I would need to surgical strike to take out the 6 shooting units and afterwards I might finally get to fly over some toughness 3 and see what the phoenixes could actually do.
For my magic, I once again took Flaming Sword and Fireball, making that every game with this list.
Ben had a much nastier looking magic lineup, and I had been getting trashed by magic all weekend. Ben took a Level 4 shadow with Enfeebling Foe, Mindrazor, Miasma and Withering. His level 2 dark took Word of Pain and Doom Bolt and his level 2 Metal took Enchanted Blades and glittering scales.
I liked that Ben was smart enough not to fall for the Searing Doom trick on my list, what with my guys basically immune to it. Mindrazor, Enfeebling Foe, Withering and Word of Pain all made me very scared of getting into any combat where I wouldn't break him on the first turn, which could have been any of his units due to steadfast. I therefore knew I would need to poop fire on them for a few turns, which means I really needed to get his shooting out of the way fast to give myself the time I needed to poop.
My deployment was standard. I spread out the monsters. You can't see the last Phoenix but its behind that leftmost rock, covering the back corner from possible shade scouts and sneaky dark riders. He didn't end up using the corner, but that was fine as my phoenix can fly. Ben put his fast cav not the left blank and his groups in the center. Only the shades served to protect his right flank and his both throwers (one which went center and the other leftish. His xbows took the center with the level 4 and flanked on each side by the fighting units.
I was surprised that he deployed the other two wizards outside the units, banking just on a 4+ look out sir. I'm assuming its because he thought I could do 2-3 wounds, enough to cause a panic on a unit, but not enough to panic a nearby character due to a destroyed unit. But my army is so mobile, I would hesitate to think that any model was safe (even with a 4+ look out sir). He is after all only T3 with no other save besides the look out sir.
The shades ended up on the right flank, as I had previously said.
We rolled off and I got the first vanguard. I vanguarded strong on the right flank and with a center unit so that I could be in a good position to take out bolt throwers and the shades. My left most unit didn't end up vanguarding because he also went fairly strong on the left flank and I wanted to hold it back to maybe get a lucky charge should I go first.
Turn 1 – High Elves
I was fortunate to get the first turn. With the amount of shooting he could put out, I wanted to be able to put the pressure on strong and early. I started out with a long range charge by the Phoenix on the back edge. He passed his terror and I would go onto fail. I felt that either way I was in a strong position. If I made the charge I knew the unit would eventually get ground out. If I failed, the phoenix would still be in a position to cover that back corner since I don't need to see them to fly over and 5 dark riders should die fairly easily.
I also tried a long charge with the reevers. I lost 1 to the stand and shoot and would eventually fail the charge as well.
The monsters in the center moved up to the midfield. He would have long charges, but that was a risk I wanted to take as it would put me in a strong position to get into his backfield on a later turn. The Phoenix moved strong up the right flank to cover the shades or maybe a flank on the executioners. The reevers moved up strong as well. I put 2 right up against his bolt throwers. The one on the right couldn't be seen while the one on the left could be seen by the witches. I figured if he wanted to take them out he would have to devote all his shooting (on the right) or maybe the witches (on the left). I didn't mind if he wanted to shoot his BTs at the reevers as then they wouldn't be shooting at the monsters. If the witches decided to charge the reevers I had choices. I could flee, and the lord would probably protect me from being caught or I could hold and consider following up with a flank charge by my general which would at the least get rid of his hatred and frenzy before he could turn and try to do real damage.
For my magic I rolled 9/6 magic phase, earning +1 ward save to be protected by the first round of shooting. I started out with a flaming sword on a unit of reevers, hoping to sneak a wound or two onto the BT before charging it. The other went into the 3D6 fire ball at the metal wizard that was hiding behind the xbows. I rolled the 6s needed to force the spell through, blowing up with wizard (he only made 1 look out sir). I then miscast, rolled the dreaded 2-4. Thankfully, my wizard didn't get sucked off the dragon, though both the dragon and the rider took a wound (but rider makes his 6+ ward).
My shooting would only kill two xbows.
Turn 1 – Dark Elves
Ben knows that by not getting the first turn I have put him into a rough position. He decides its a turn to take risks.
Both the witches (to my general) and the executioners (to my wizard) decide to take the long charges. I hold, and he doesn't roll the 10+ needed to make either charge.
In the movement phase, his general fails his march test, and can only go a little up to the midfield, looking to cover the center in case I charge into his units (which wasn't going to happen). The dark riders also move up to the midfield to try to plink off some wounds on the monsters before they see combat. the shades also move right up to the phoenix (I'm not sure of this play, back to get charged by the reevers is better than being charged by a phoenix, even if it does tie it up for a turn).
Ben only rolls a 3/2 magic phase, and then fails his one attempt of withering on the dragon.
For shooting, Ben decides that long term its better to get the one turn shooting monsters and so opens up with solid bolts. The first bolt thrower doesn't wound the dragon and the second only does 1 wound. The xbows put a third wound onto the dragon and a first wound onto the rider. The dark riders kill 1 reever off the already hurt unit. The rest of his units (shades and dark rider) fail to wound.
This was a crushing turn for Ben, failing to counter my movement (thanks to failed charges and march test), a nothing magic phase and then only 4 wound shooting phase.
Turn 2 – High Elves
I'm in a hugely strong position, so strong that I get exceeded and forget to take a picture. I know I am in a position to lock the game down.
For charges, I declare the following:
Phoenix flanks shades (on right flank)
Reevers charge BT, twice
Reevers (3man) declare a charge between his dark rider units at the mount wizard. He flees.
My general charges the fleeing wizard, pushing her to the board edge. My general redirects and declares a FLANK on his general. After measuring Ben admits he didn't mean to do that. I offer him the chance to change it to front, but he declines citing that he should have pre-messured but didn't.
I have a dark rider unit, needing a 12, try to flank the xbows. I don't really have much for this unit to do as their only other target would be the executors. I had put them where they were to limit the shades paths to safety. I figure if I made the charge it would pin the unit and if I didn't they would be safe. I didn't make it, and that was the only charge I failed (besides the reevers at the fleeing wizard).
With really only the one left phoenix to move, i go and take a crap on a dark rider unit, taking it off and panicking the other who loses 1 to dangerous terrain.
I roll an 11/5 magic phase and a worthless +1 Strength on the phoenix. I start would with a 3D flaming sword on the dragon, which would make his breath weapon wound the xbows on a 2 instead of a 3. He dispels it. I then throw 5 at the big fireball but fail.
In shooting the breath weapon kills 8 xbows, and they pass their panic but leave only a few plus the level 4 in the unit.
In combat I wipe the shades and a bolt thrower. The second bolt thrower only takes a wound but still fails its panic test and runs. With the general v general combat, he manages to knock off the charmed shield and also get a wound it (I forgot about my crown). My general does 2 wounds. His peg then does a wound to my general and my phoenix does the last to his general, killing him.
I then have the option to overrun with my general, needing a 10 to clear the witches or else get flanked or reform, give him an easy charge but reduce his attacks and not get flanked. I choose to reform.
Turn 2 – Dark Elves
Now with 2 wizards out of action (though with one likely rallying) and all of his shooting gone but a few xbows and panicking dark riders, Ben knows he is in a tight position. He starts off by taking a charge on my general with his witches. He needs a 3 but only rolls snakes, failing the charge and probably his last chance to force an engagement. The dark riders rally, but his level 2 dark mage fails her rally and runs off the table, further limiting his options.
Ben moves his level 4 up to the executioners but skips his magic phase and fails to wound with his shooting phase.
Turn 3 – High Elves
With the game clearly locked down, I'm not really sure what I should do. This is an issue I've had in the past. Do I keep playing, likely tabling him; do I disengage, clearly ending the game; or do I make obvious stupid errors to allow him to recoup some points but not enough to actually give him the chance to win?
As I think about what to do, I don't make any charges. I use my flame to kill 3 of the last 4 dark riders, 8 witches and 2 executioners.
I roll a 4/2 magic phase, but fail to 4D the big fireball. Shooting kills 1 xbow.
Turn 3 – Dark Elves
Ben moves towards center to try to force me to confront him for the objective, so no charges. With only buffs Ben considers and then skips his magic phase. We talk about if he should defensively put up spells in case I charge, but agree that I won't so he won't have to risk his wizard miscasting. If he had gotten spells up I just wouldn't have charged the mindrazored unit or wouldn't charge with the debuffed monsters. I could then have the option of having 2 rounds against the non-buffed unit and without the debuffed monsters. Simply just handshake and avoid the miscast.
Turn 4 – High Elves
As our charge agreement only dealt with my monsters and his fighty blocks (he wasn't going to mind razor 5 xbows or rebuff reevers), I charge a unit of reevers into the rear of his xbows. I make it in.
I poop on the witches and executioners. My shooting leaves just 1 witch left.
In combat I lose 2 reevers and kill 2 xbows. He holds and reforms.
Turn 4 – Dark Elves
Another turn without pictures (the one below like halfway through instead of at the end of the turn).
Ben tries and fails to charge a phoenix. It was a mid charge. I was sloppy bringing my phoenix into position. I debate whether to charge or flee. The smart play is probably to flee as I would have 2 turns to rally and still probably wouldn't run off. On the other hand, because the witches are in the way (just the banner, other is MoI), the executioners would have to wheel around strangely and would only get one or two guys into base (leaving him open to counter flank and rear charges). I decide to hold so that Ben could roll some dice, worse case causing me to lose 225 points and best case sealing the game to my win. Ben then rolls another snakes and fails the charge.
For magic he rolls a 3/2 phase. He 1D miasma, which I dispel and then fails a 2D enfeebling.
In combat I win by musician (banner v banner) but nothing happens.
Turn 5 – High Elves
My turn 5 and I don't charge but kill 10 executioners with pooping. You can see my reevers have swung way round to the back field to block off the witches escape.
I roll a 6/4 magic phase. He dispels a 4D fireball on the witches and I flaming sword a unit of reevers.
My shooting kills the last witch.
In combat I kill a xbow and he breaks and dies.
Turn 5 – Dark Elves
The executioners fail another charge at some reevers.
Turn 6 – High Elves
Start of my turn 6 above, and below what it looks like after I charge. We didn't roll it out to determine the fate of the last three executioners.
In the end Ben killed 5 reevers on 2 different units and did a few wounds to the dragon and each character.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Hobby Update - More "Sculpting"
I actually did some work last night, but forgot to update.
Shields mounted for riders.
Second unit clothes
Also did clean up on the first unit, but no pictures as its mostly under legs.
Next time will be clean up on the second unit and maybe some weapons. Realky starting to run tight on february hobby. Probably going to end up into my paint march. Might not be so bad as its supposed to rain and that will make spraying hard.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
WaaaghPACA! – Round 4 – Mike Lagger – Warriors of Chaos
Deployment: Battleline
Man of Intrigue: Generates Fortitude per rule above only.
Scenario Points:
Points – Win by 100 points
points – Tie (within 100 points)
Points – Lose by less than 300 points
point – Lost by more than 300 points
points – Lost by more than 1,000 points
Objective (1 point): Capture more table quarters by having the
most fortitude in the quarter.
The List
Daemon Prince, Level 2, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Death, Sword of Battle,
Luckstone, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder
Chaos Sorcerer, Mark/Disk/Third Eye of Tzeentch, Lore of Metal, Level
2, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation
Exalted Hero, Mark of Nurgle, Halberd, Shield, BSB, Talisman of
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
18 Chaos Warriors, Mark of Nurgle, Full Command, Standard of Discipline
17 Chaos Warriors, Mark of Nurgle, musician, banner
Chimera, regeneration
Mike had the honor of being my third warriors of Chaos of the weekend…
making my 4 games with High Elves at that point being 3 warriors and 2
daemons. With his list closer to
the one I lost to than the one I beat, I wasn’t 100 percent confident (though I
think I could beat Chris on points even if he did break me). But a good list with the tricks, and
the units able to keep up the fortitude and hold a quarter. My goal needed to be to push hard and
keep him thinking he needed to keep his blocks on the back.
At the end of the game Mike asked for my email address (actually my
phone number, but I offered my email as that’s easier to discuss warhammer).
I liked Mike’s list. Still
had a daemon price, but a level 2 caster is much easier to deal with than a
level 4. Mike’s list was also a
lot slower.
I took fireball and flaming sword.
Mike took Searing doom and Transmutation of Lead on his metal caster
with Soul Blight and Fate of Bjuna on his death caster.
Like last year, all the tables have fancy terrain rules. This round was the first where I
actually remembered take a picture.
I chose sides, but just stayed where it was simple. I spread out my reavers per my normal
deployment. I weight my phoenix on
the right side since that is where he has chosen to bunker.
Mike chose to bunker on the left corner, but did throw some chaff out
on the right during deployment.
Turn 1 – High Elves
No charges to start my turn, and I didn’t move much as I had vanguarded
into shooting position.
I rolled an 8/4 magic phase.
I got of a 2D flaming sword and Mike failed to dispel my 6D fireball but
only got 1 wound onto the chimera.
My shooting did another wound to the Chimera.
Turn 1 – Warriors of Chaos
Mike declares no charges.
Then the Hellcannon fails its rampage and goes 17 inches across the
board to charge a unit of reavers… eek.
Hellcannon in my back field!
Mike rolls a 9/6 magic phase.
I allow a 3D soul blight on my general as I don’t plan to charge. I allow a 5D final transmutation of
lead on my general for the same reason.
He ends his phase as he only has 2 dice left and I still hold 6.
I manage to get 1 wound through to the cannon before the reavers pop…
and then a phoenix flees. Double
Turn 2 – High Elves
Reavers charge a unit of dogs way off on the right flank. The phoenix rallies.
I roll a 6/4 magic phase and get +1A on phoenixes. A 3D flaming sword is allowed and a 3D
fireball is dispelled.
Shooting does another wound to the chimera.
Dogs get deleted, panicking the other which loses a dog to the
Turn 2 – Warriors of Chaos
Cannon passes its rampage but charges the recently rallied
phoenix. Dogs don’t rally.
A 10/6 magic phase starts off with a 3D soul blight on the phoenix
which I dispel. A 3D searing doom
on the dragon fails. A 4D
irresistible fate on the phoenix mount does 1 wound. The miscast just ends the phase.
In combat the phoenix can’t push any wounds through the saves, takes 2
and holds.
Turn 3 – High Elves
I charge off the dogs. I
want to advance this turn but manage to fail 3 march tests on the phoenix,
general and dragon. Because I
can’t advance I fly over the chimera and kill it.
An 8/6 magic phase gives me +1S.
A 6D fire ball is dispelled and I put flaming sword on the phoenix who,
while already flaming, is now wounding on 3s.
Phoenix kills a handler, takes no wounds but the dumb cannon is
Turn 3 – Warriors of Chaos
The warriors charge the dragon along the back edge and fail.
The daemon prince finally moves up, and the BSB’s unit does as well,
leaving the smaller unit of warriors unsupported (don’t know yet that it had
leadership banner), so I get excited to earn some points to make up for that
damn hellcannon.
An 8/5 magic phase has a 4D soulblight on the phoenix being
dispelled. A 4D transmutation of
lead is allowed (not scrolled). I
figuring that lowering the weapon skill of the phoenix didn’t do anything and
he didn’t have armor.
Turn 4 – High Elves
No charges. As the phoenix
move up to pick on the smaller unit I kill a warrior on the larger unit.
A 6/4 magic phase gives me initiative, which doesn’t help. I 2D flaming sword on dragon, which he
dispels to prevent the breath weapon from wounding on 3s. a 4D fireball kills 4 warriors.
The breath weapon kills 4 more warriors.
Phoenix and cannon slap around some and tie.
Turn 4 – Warriors of Chaos
Daemon price joins the phoenix/cannon combat. The wizard charges the back of the dragon (this one
surprised me, it’s a dragon – but then he does have the 3+ rerollable).
The BSB unit fails to swift reform and so can’t get back to support the
warriors this turn.
A 5/3 magic phase has a 2D soul blight on the phoenix dispelled and a
3D transmutation on the dragon scrolled.
My wizard uses his luckstone which means that nothing happens in the
combat. I hold and turn
around. The phoenix gets picked up
my the daemon prince.
Now 6/8 on phoenix coming back.
Turn 5 – High Elves
I put 2 phoenix into the warriors. I put a unit of reavers into the rear of the caster which
will just add the 4 static at no risk (unless I still managed to lose). Sometimes I like the mandatory
challenge request of the warriors.
A 7/5 magic phase gives me +1S.
I 6D irresistible on flaming sword on my dragon. The miscast ends the phase and does a
wound to both the caster and dragon.
His wizard makes saves.
In combat the champion challenges my general out. I kill the champion with an
overkill. My normal phoenix takes
3 wounds. He kills 4 warriors and
Mike makes his steadfast.
The dragon and mage do nothing, but he loses on the static and
flees. I hold with the dragon as I
don’t want to get flanked by the other warrior unit and the reavers fail to
Turn 5 – Warriors of Chaos
The unit charges the dragon anyways, just not in the flank. The wizard rallies.
A 7/6 magic phase just sees a 6D bubbled soulblight, which I dispel.
The champion kills the dragon rider though he dies. The dragon flees, escapes and gets
away. The warriors overrun into
the phoenix. In the next combat
the phoenix dies. General flees
and escapes.
Now with 2 dead phoenix, the pulses kill 1 warrior and knock off the my
own charmed shield.
Turn 6 – High Elves
Dragon rallies, general doesn’t.
One phoenix goes away and the other kills 3 warriors.
Turn 6 – Warriors of Chaos
Wizard charges dragon, which I flee. Daemon Prince doesn’t catch general.
A 7/6 magic phase sees a 3D soulblight on my general, which allow. This is followed by a 4D fate which I
Cannon scatters.
Last phoenix doesn’t return, ending game for at 6/9 for the weekend.
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