Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Olde World Gaming – Wrap-Up

So 3-0 and winner of this event. Chris ended up getting third by a point (remember my Supreme Sorceress blowing up and giving him two points?). I had a good time and would go back for another event if available and not already around a bunch of other events I’ll be doing. I imagine I’ll go more in the fall/winter when, in the post QCR part of the year events tend to be less frequent.

I wonder if for another jaunt to this club if it would be possible to design a list that even if it lost 3 times would give up so few points that it could end up winning on the secondary objectives. As in it doesn’t have enough secondary points to give up adding to them taking primary that it can win on secondary alone. Would be an interesting thought experiment, but I’m not sure I’d actually try it.

The shop was also offering 25 percent off for anything that they didn’t have on their shelves. I took this opportunity, and my newel won store credit to order the last piece of terrain for my upcoming rebasing along with some models for a few conversions I’ve been pondering for the Ogre aspect of my skaven.

I do intend to have a hobby aspect to this blog, but as I haven’t actually done any significant hobby yet it hasn’t made it on. My current projects include a Grey Knights army and some updates for the Ogres I just mentioned. The Grey Knights haven’t seen any work in a while, but I will post pictures once I get through the current step. But in the short term they are being shelved as my schedule precludes me from participating in any of the local 40k events for the next four months or so. Upcoming in the next few weeks will be that (Rat)Ogre update.

Also, this event with its three wins brings my 2013 Dark Elf record to 11w/5l/0d

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