Ill finish the base colors next time.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 6
Wow, but its been a long time since I painted. Had a little time and decided to put some base colors down on the wizard. Went with a lighter color palet as he'll have lights shinning on him.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 5
Just a quick update as I was only able to squeeze in an hour or so to hobby this weekend. I decided on the arrangement for the room. Based on how i think the buikding will go into the board, i faced the grey seer so his back will be towards the audiance and more towards his army.
While I didnt fix him in place, for easy of painting, I did go ahead and fix the book down and gave it some rough gap filling.
It was the time to get everything sprayed and prepped for painting. The building will be painted as the board is painted, but the dude and his study will need to be painted before they are installed.
I decided to go white on the bell because that will make for a more vibrant metal, but black on the rest of the terrain. I even did the inside of the buildings, even though I expect to put something to treat the windows. I left it in major sections to easy integration into the display board.
Gotta say, I really love this terrain kit.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Infernal Zoo – What Makes It Special!
Infernal Zoo is probably the most unique event I have been to. This will be the second year for it, and it’s
a blast. It’s a not quite Storms of
Magic event, taking the monster aspect and ditching the magic bullshit. There are still scrolls of binding, but they
cannot be unbound. Last year I didn’t
take it seriously, and just took a monster list. I don’t recall the exact list, but it was
basically two abominations and three Brood Horrors.
VP denial
Multiples of same rare choice that’s more than 100 points
More than 2 S9 artillery pieces
3 of the same special choices
More than 50 BS shots
More than three warmachines
All core army (huh?)
No rare choices
Overpriced units
Zoo contingent themed with army (yay brood horrors!)
Flying monsters characters with no save
Army construction is a normally constructed 2000 point army with 500
points of monsters from either Storms of Magic or Monstrous Arcanum. For every unit taken in that 500 point
selection, 1 wizard must be taken. There
are consequences for that wizard dying.
In addition, if the monster unit is also a wizard (as some dragons and
others are); either that unit or the parent unit miscasting requires that BOTH
of them roll on the table – ouch. Just
with the loss of power dice that is going to wreck your magic phase. What is also means is that you need to leave
points in your 2000 point army for at least 1 wizard to even have access to the
additional 500 points.
While the event doesn’t allow the items from either of the supplemental
books, the event does have a list of its own magic items. Originally, as it was last year, the magic
items were out of the 2000 points. Later
in the process it was switched to come out of the 500 points (though still not
allowing a character to have two in a category). I think this is a better place to put
them. Lots of the monsters don’t add up
to a clean 500 points, and having a few ways to use up those extra points is a
good bonus. It is too bad that the magic
banner still requires a character to be able to actually have a magic banner.
Magic Weapons:
Bizarro Hammer (50 points) – 2 hands, +2S, and once per game gives ASF
and HKB
Whip of Bestial Subjugation (10 points) – Always wounds on 5+. Causes monsters fear (on their own
leadership), and effects monsters otherwise who wouldn’t be effected by fear
Magic Banner:
Banner of Pillowy Mist (25 points) – One use only. All modes with “Fly” must take a dangerous
terrain test or suffer D6 wounds. All
missile fire is -1 to hit. All artillery
scatters further (No BS correct for indirect fire, otherwise additional D3
inches). Cannons shift their first point
with a scatter die. – This is basically
a very weird Storm Banner.
LowKee’s Loadstone of Dubious Worth (5 points) – All models within 6”
of the item that are hit by S5 or greater missile weapons get a look out
sir. Successful hits are applied to the
bearer. The bearer gets no saves and all
shots become magical (screw you ethereal).
Enchanted Item:
Enrapturing Ball of FETCH! (15 points) – One Use Only. At the beginning of your opponents turn,
target a spot 18” away and fire like a stone thrower – all monsters, war beasts
and monstrous cavalry (friend or foe) within 12” must take a leadership test
using their base leadership (even if ITP).
If failed they must immediately attempt to make a normal move (including
marching) into contact with that point.
If it lands on an enemy they will charge it possible.
These items add some interesting ideas.
The first year, the Ball of FETCH made monsters stupid within a certain
range, including your own. It suffered
from post-errata dark elf anti magic ring (can’t think of name), in that it
hurts you in the beginning and then you hope to get it into a position to hurt
your opponent. Now it has the chance to
do something funny. Last year the
Bizarro Hammer (unchanged) was very popular, though I’m not sure how well it
worked out for their users. I didn’t
take any of the special magic items, and am not going to again this year
(though doubling Banner of Pillowy Mist and Storm Banner into one army would be
very funny).
In addition to the game being win/loss, every round a special objective
is chosen by each player and not revealed to the opponent until the end of the
game. They are all monster themed.
Love Connection – have your contingent kill
their contingent (2 for killing, 1 for only engaging)
Mark the Territory – 2 points for having a
contingent at tallest terrain feature at end of game, 1 point if it got there
at any time
Don’t Tread on my turf – 2 points for having a
clear deployment zone, 1 point for having more units in your deployment zone
then they do (Also gives your monsters ITP and auto pass reaction tests in your
deployment zone)
Fito Sick Balls – 2 points for killing opposing
general, 1 point for just doing a wound to him (Also gives your monsters hatred
versus the general)
Feed the Beast – 2 points for destroying largest
unit (with some weighting for unit type), 1 point for killing half the unit
Top of Food Chain – 2 points for killing entire
contingent, 1 point for killing half the points of contingent.
There is also a composition system for the event, which is used in the
first two round’s pairings and added into some of the scores. It will be judge subjective comp, but they
did provide some guidelines to keep in mind.
Things that will tend to knock DOWN your score (down is bad):
Multiple monsters costing 300 points
Ethereal units of more than 200 pointsVP denial
Multiples of same rare choice that’s more than 100 points
More than 2 S9 artillery pieces
3 of the same special choices
More than 50 BS shots
More than three warmachines
Things that will help knock your score UP:
Multiple monsters with no save
Themed armyAll core army (huh?)
No rare choices
Overpriced units
Zoo contingent themed with army (yay brood horrors!)
Flying monsters characters with no save
North Star – Dilemma
And solved, new book out Oct 5 officially. Means after Oct 1 deadline and using the old book. This will be my last 5 games with the book. Then I will decide if I want to adapt my list to the new book or move on to something else… finish chaos dwarves or adapt to High Elves.
Will have to decide in time to finish 2k for waaaghpaca, and work in their missions.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
What If Chaos Daemons – 2500 points
Eventually I plan to make a Clan Pestilence themed army. I’ve been bouncing around between Chaos
Warriors or Chaos Daemons, as nurgle is the obvious theme. After getting my butt kicked by that
Chaos Daemons player at the August Contest of Champions, I was playing around
with the Chaos Daemons list.
Thought I would post if up as a fun little thing. I may keep going through the armies,
we’ll see how my interest takes me.
Great Unclean One, Level 4, Lore of Death, Exalted Gift, Lesser Gift
25 Plaguebearers, musician, standard bearer, banner of swiftness
25 Plaguebearers, musician, standard bearer, banner of eternal flame
4 Beasts of Nurgle
4 Beasts of Nurgle
4 Plague Drones, musician, standard bearer, plague proboscis
4 Plague Drones, musician, standard bearer, plague proboscis
Simple, straightforward list.
For the great unclean one I would use a vermin lord. The plaguebearers would just be plague
monks on 25mm bases. For the
beasts I would make up some new rat ogre conversions, as my ogre models all
have scryer tech built in. I am
thinking that using some left over tyrnaid bits would work well, along with
converting some of the forgeworld nurgle trolls that I’ve picked up and am
stashing. For the plague drones, I
would use the drones but would just put plague monks on the back. For Epidemius I would use the old plague
priest on pox rat special character that doesn’t exist in the current book.
I think it would be a nice, clean and simple looking list. I’m not sure that Epidemius is actually
needed, that his 200 points could be better used in more beasts and some furies
(which would be plague monks with wings or something, can’t reuse my jump packs
as they need 25mm bases). But
those would be easy to switch out.
I actually already have most of it. I’m sort 5 plague drones, and maybe some plague monks, but I
think I have the majority of it. I
could probably flush out what I was missing for less than 100 bucks, especially
if I could get some cheap plague monks.
Now I just need to finish my Clan Scryer Chaos Dwarves!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 4
Just a quick update for a quick hobby sit down.
Finished hollowing out the bottom for the bell to rests. The bell now swings, but when I glue it in when I finish putting it together. Ill wait for the next time i actually have the board.
What If Lizardman – 2500 points
First I want to note that this list assumes that the FAQ will go back
and fix the giant hole – that terradon characters can no longer join terradon
units (or Ripperdactly units). I
believe that this was done in error, since Tiktaq’To’s rules still are written
assuming he joins such a unit, even though he doesn’t actually have a rule
allowing him to join.
Slann Mage-Priest, Lore of High Magic, BSB, General, Focus of Mystery, Reservoir
of Eldritch Energy, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Book of Ashur, Banner
of Swiftness
Skink Chief, Ripperdactyl, javelin, light armor, enchanted shield, egg
of quango, warrior bane
Skink Chief, Ripperdactyl, javelin, light armor, dragon helm, potion of
strength, luckstone, shield
Skink Chief, Ripperdactyl, javelin, light armor, Sacred Stegadon helm
of Itza, dragonbane gem, shield
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skinks, banner
10 Skinks, banner
10 Skinks, banner
10 Skinks
10 Skinks
4 Terradon Riders
4 Terradon Riders
3 Terradon Riders, Tiktaq’to’s ambushers
4 Ripperdactyle Riders
3 Ripperdactyle Riders
3 Ripperdactyle Riders
This is a Flight of the Valkyries list, and I think would look amazing
on the table. The massive
ripperdactyles leads to one of two things happening. Either a wonderful gang-banging of some key units, or some
horrible frenzy fails leading to a loss of lots of points. But either way, I think it would be a
blast to play, with the slann jumping from skink unit to skink unit trying to
keep up with the needs of the ripperdactyles and the 6 units and 4 characters
flying around and every angle – though not really doing much I expect.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 3
Today i worked on the display board. I also was more proactive writing the post so it wasn't as delayed as the last two. The last two sessions I built up the structure; this time I worked on the details.
I decided to see if i could remove some with my dremel. It might not end up clean, but a little more worn stone cant hurt.
Not worried about neat as its going to be hidden as a support for the top level, since I've decided not to use one of the buildings.
For the inside of the top of the building portion, I wanted to put a grand wizards nest, or something. Last time I had built a floor.
This time I wanted to populate it. A major hole in the skaven line is the characters. The only plastic ones come in either the Isle of Blood starter set or on the Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace kit. That makes it a pain to get additional copies of each. Luckily, I have an extra bell kit waiting in my reserve pile (probably some really old tournament win).
I didnt want to use the grey seer model though, because he is posed for being put on the bell. While i have used him on mounts, I havent figured out a good way to make him look standing. The plague priest, on the hand is standing , but didnt have the look I wanted. The engineer was also a little more armored than I wanted.
I decided to play around mixing them. Here is the grey seer head on the plague priest body.
I think it looks pretty good. I will probably have to figure out how to get another set so I can make one or two for my own army. Now that the head is on, i will need to modify the cape and arm pieces to fit around the new head.
I decided to keep the staff, but got rid of the censer. In side the building i think it will be too crowded, and a free hand might be better for what else I might put into the room.
Taking a break from the room, mostly because I'm putting off digging through my bits, i decided to get started on the bell. Decided just to assemble it normally.
And *poof* a bell…
I would install it later, but next I switched back to the tower. While the bellwas drying i looked through my bits and found a book and some scrap.
The book is from the warshrine kit, which was purchased for the possibilities of turning it into a custom plague furnace. After about a year I havent gotten back to the project so i thinking stealing the bit will be ok. I dont like the stand it comes with, but i found this end of warpstone I had taken off during some other project. Its almost the right height, just needing a little greenstuff cap.
Im not a big green stuff guy, but i think after is drys and ive put in a little sanding work it will meld it fairly well as a stone stand.
I like the way this looks. If fills the space well. Heres a shot with the building finished.
While waiting for the green stuff to dry and thinking about what i want to do with that floor, i decided to move on to some clean up. This being a GW kit it has lots of skulls, which for the most part is fine. But being a fantasy kit it also has lots of two tailed comets. Thats not so good.
Got most of them. I did end up leaving one or two just not to the overkill amount it comes with.
While moving on to the next step, i forgot to take a before picture. Here is an in progress shot while i wait for my dremel batter to recharge.
Ive carved out what i can on the supports and will next be hollowing out the roof to make room for the top of the bell.
This is the bottom most of the way done, but it was time to take a break.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 2
Well, I had some pictures, but it seems they got eaten. So here is the text that was written for the pictures... sorry. Update… found the pictures, or retook them.
Banished from my wife’s presence as she wanted to get some online class
stuff done on her computer, I decide to get started on my homework, even though
it’s not even 24 hours after the first session. Why couldn’t I have been this proactive with actual
I decide to get started with the building half of the skullvane
manse. I had gotten most of the
plastic assembly done one Day 1, even though I didn’t mention it (I mean, who
really cares about assembling stuff by following the instructions?).
Having left off the long back of the building upon initial assemble
(making putting on the roof fun), I decided that there was a need for
additional detail to be added. The
building comes with many open windows.
My first thought was to do something with the second level, but it has
grated bars. The top floor though,
has two sets of nice open windows.
I decided that something would need to go into that space. A little trial and error later, as it’s
hard to measure accurately without the final size I had cut down a floor. Its close, with very little gaping
around the corners. In one of the
pictures I put a model in, just to see how the size works out. I’ll be putting another model there in
the end – likely a converted greyseer.
Not shown is that I went through and caulked up all the gaps, both
those that were obvious mold failures, but also all of the super tiny gaps
between bricks on the sides. This
will come into play sometime in the future.
For the other half of the manse, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to
do. Sean and I had discussed 2
options, either putting on the building, or working it into the structure as
support for the second level. I
decided that I needed to assemble to building portion to see how it
looked. I did decide that I not
want the level with the big skulls, and so I removed it. I knew this would make the rest of the
assembly a little more difficult.
Here is a shot of my assembling the third level of the tower. I had also decided I did not want the
horrible base piece. There are so
many damn two-tailed comets on this model. I did assemble base though, so that I could use it to
properly space and angle the crenulation – the parts just aren’t glued
I also knew I would be using the main bottom of the building either as
a support of the building or the second level, so I utilized it for forming the
main level of the building without gluing it on.
Here is a picture of level 1 and level 3 together on the tower. I’m not a big fan, and they don’t go together that well.
Here is a building without the crenulation. I would just have a flat roof, maybe some rubble
representing that there used to be more, but skaven mismanagement led to its
Here is a picture of me holding a bell under the support piece. This could be, and probably will be,
done for any of the three options (big building, little building or as a
support piece).
Next time I will work on what’s going into that upper floor, and likely
assemble and install that bell.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
What If – A new segment
So sometimes I get bored, or I hear something on a podcast or from a
friend and that leads me to play around with an army list. Sometimes it will because something
just kicked me butt. This tends to
be with the newer armies, but sometimes with something that’s older. I won’t post every list that I come up
with, but I will post some, just for fun.
I don’t claim to be any sort of expert though. Maybe something I put down will trigger something for your
own use.
I’ll drop the posts in between events, or when I have another gap. This might make the lists a little out
of date when I post them, and while I will try to make sure things are still
correct given new FAQs, I don’t promise it to be so.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Hobby Project – Display Board – Assembly Day 1
With the bases started and under way (though now behind since I haven’t
been working on them at home like I’m supposed to. I swear I was going to over the last holiday – but it rained
all day.) it was decided that it was time to begin laying out the display
board. My friend Sean has once
again offered to provide assistance.
Today he provided much more active assistance then he had on the
bases. This is probably for the
best, as while he carved foam I began some of the other aspects.
But first we started with THE BOX. Having done this before, Sean said that the best way is to
make a box. We decided on a 2x2
base for the box, as this is the size used by Armies on Parade (I also like it
because if I were to make 4 I could have myself a little Mordheim board – Sean
didn’t like the idea of doing 3 more though – and that is really getting ahead
of myself). So we made a box. The base and sides were made out of mdf
– basically super packed particle board.
Some of the tools we used – Sean on the saw since it was his home
owners insurance. Also a few belt
sanders we used for some more controlled wood removal – they weren’t that
effective and we ended up just skimming the edge with the saw. After building the sides we used a
combination of wood glue and this nail gun to put the box together. Sean said he got it for $4 at a garage
sale, unused. It used the same air
set up as his paint brush. It
jammed a few times, but need a good job.
The mdf did like to split, and wasn’t very thick, so we tried to angle
the nails in, to punch through on the inside, as you can see in the
pictures. This would all be
covered up anyways by the foam, or removed. That’s right, we made close to a 2’ cube, but the plan was
to pare down the sides. It is just
easier to reduce the size than increase them. Sean having a high hobby ethic didn’t want any of the foam
exposed to any sort of direct contact.
Here are some pictures of the box as it goes up. Once again, Sean’s high standards had
us sealing the inside with a little white glue.
While I had some grand ideas of what I wanted, even including a moving
rollercoaster for mine carts (which we ended up dropping due to the limited
size – maybe when we have 4?), the main goal was to be able to place down 3 key
sized units and still have some space for other stuff. These 3 units represented the peak of
my units size and included 2 10x10 20mm hoards and 1 long unit, just short of
5x12 and as close to 12” long as you can get with 20mm models. I haven’t run these units at this size
since 2008 or so, when 8th first came out, but I didn’t want to
limit my options. To make sure
these units could go down we used movement trays at the very initial stages.
Here you can see us playing around with some foam placement. It was decided that the back left
corner would hold both of the 10x10 units and the long unit with go into the
center. To accomplish this, we
would need to make a two tier board, leaving plenty of space for the
bell/furnace should such a unit go there – but also for whatever rock material
we will need to place on the underside of the second level. This can was fairly close to the size
we would need.
Designing around the left corner, we decided that the back right corner
would also have an elevated level, though not as high as the top of second
level. This picture shows how far
we got, though it may still be raised up another inch or so. We decided that the overall look would
be that of a dwarf hold that is a little run down and that has later had a
lower quality of construction added.
As the two tier section would be the higher quality dwarf construction,
a nice parade ramp would be required.
The thicker, short second right up against the large flat space will be
steps, and the rest will be a bricked ramp. On the left, that rock will represent a cave in covering up
additional brick space going into the front left corner, where there will be a
As I was initially thinking about this display board, some months ago,
I picked up two boxes of games workshop terrain that I wanted to build in. One of them didn’t get utilized at this
early stage, so I’ll keep it back until then. The one that did get started this session was Skullvane
Manse, Lair of the Astromancer. I
feel that the core of this model brings a very skaven feel to it. It is after all a rundown
building. It does contain more
than a few aspects that I didn’t want.
So the first thing we did was break it in half. The left building side will become the
building that will go in the front left corner. The left piece would end up in the back, centered.
We got as far as shown in this picture, with all of the foam glued and
fixed in place. We scheduled a
session the following month, and I was sent home with the assignment of
finishing getting the skullvane manse into a position to be installed into the
construction, where we may still increase the height of the back right and add
more details, but would also be beginning to add the next step – quality… I
mean texture. Rocks, bricks, sand,
etc., and also a surprise.
Hopefully I will be able to break, and keep broken, my lack of hobby
time and not only get my homework done but also get back to work on my chaos
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