So this event is a closed list, so I'm only going to provide my closed list before the event.
Here is my list:
Here is my list:
Dreadlord, GENERAL, dark steed, heavy armor, repeater crossbow, sea dragon cloak
Dreadlord, dark steed, heavy armor, repeater crossbow, sea dragon cloak, shield
Master, BSB, dark steed, heavy armor, repeater crossbow, sea dragon cloak, shield
Master, dark steed, heavy armor, repeater crossbow, sea dragon cloak, shield
Sorceress, dark steed, Level 2 wizard, Lore of Death
Sorceress, dark steed, Level 1 wizard, Lore of Metal
6 Dark Riders, banner, musician, shields, repeater crossbows
6 Dark Riders, banner, musician, shields, repeater crossbows
6 Dark Riders, banner, musician, shields, repeater crossbows
6 Dark Riders, banner, musician, shields, repeater crossbows
Repeater Bolt Thrower
11 Doomfire Warlocks, champion
8 Doomfire warlocks
The missions for this year's NorthStar gave me some pause upon first reading them. I had to send a few emails to the TO before I could finish the design of my list. After my initial first reading, I almost asked if I could change army types - a no-no at North Star as they make you lock in early so they can do prizes for best of race.
Mission 1: Set Up Base Camp

The missions for this year's NorthStar gave me some pause upon first reading them. I had to send a few emails to the TO before I could finish the design of my list. After my initial first reading, I almost asked if I could change army types - a no-no at North Star as they make you lock in early so they can do prizes for best of race.
Mission 1: Set Up Base Camp
Deployment – Battleline
Major – No enemy scoring unit EVER (turns 2-6) got in your base camp
Minor – You entered your opponent's base camp with a scoring unit (turns 2-6)
Mission 1: Set Up Base Camp
Scoring Units: Units that have at least 1 full rank with at least 1 command model or a character are a scoring unit. For skirmishers to be scoring units, they must have 5 skirmishers including 1 command or character model. Units that Vanguard or Scout can not be scoring units in this scenario.
My first read of "Units that Vanguard can not be scoring units" had me a little worried. But after contacting the TO it was determined that they have actually have to vanguard. This means that any of my units at 5 models (except for the smaller DFW) will count on their own, and if I build them up to 5 with a character that any can count - assuming I choose not to vanguard. I expect I will take a look at my opponent's deployment and make the decision. If they heavily bunker their base camp then I will likely ignore vanguard. If they have lots of shooting then I might press anyways and just trust a unit or two to survive past turn 2. The deployment zones do stick out fairly far and I could probably breach after 1 move. That means I don't have to worry about making minor, but do have to worry about making major. But as these only effect the end of the game, not the event itself i'm less worried. My main concern still needs to be getting that 20-0, which means not losing and killing lots.
Deployment – Battleline
Major – No enemy scoring unit EVER (turns 2-6) got in your base camp
Minor – You entered your opponent's base camp with a scoring unit (turns 2-6)
Mission 2: Reconnoiter the Field
Deployment – Dawn Attack; HOWEVER: Units with fortitude or fly, vanguard or scout don't roll.
LOLZ, I only roll with my bolt thrower. This mission will be fun, especially if I get to deploy second, even if that means I go second. I will be able to have control of the field, I hope, and be able to just crush one side and move onto the center.
Mission 3: The Vanguards Meet
Deployment – Meeting Engagement; HOWEVER: Alternating deployment with no rolling to see which units don't deploy.
I'm really thinking that I will hold the bolt thrower as the second unit. I really don't want to have to push my characters out of their bunkers and that is the only other special/rare unit that I have. I'm not worried about his ambushers as they can't charge the turn they come on. Same rule on the scoring units, except with this mission I don't need to worry about vanguarding or not, which will let me push the deployment, and then either vanguard into holes or back, creating an 18" gap.
Mission 4: The Main Forces Class
Deployment – Blood and Glory
Mission 2: Reconnoiter the Field
Deployment – Dawn Attack; HOWEVER: Units with fortitude or fly, vanguard or scout don't roll.
Major – Control the Objective Marker (center of table) with most models
Minor – Kill lowest point character model
LOLZ, I only roll with my bolt thrower. This mission will be fun, especially if I get to deploy second, even if that means I go second. I will be able to have control of the field, I hope, and be able to just crush one side and move onto the center.
Mission 3: The Vanguards Meet
Deployment – Meeting Engagement; HOWEVER: Alternating deployment with no rolling to see which units don't deploy.
Major – Control both objectives
Minor – Control more table quarters
Objectives: Before deployment, roll a D6, high roll places their objective marker anywhere on the board. The other player places their objective marker anywhere outside of 18” from the first marker. Objective markers are not terrain and therefore do not block line of sight or hinder movement.
Scoring Units: Units that have at least 1 full rank with at least 1 command model or a character are a scoring unit. For skirmishers to be scoring units, they must have 5 skirmishers including 1 command or character model.
Ambushers: Players must hold 2 units in ambush. 1 unit must be a Core choice, the other a Special or Rare choice (both can be Core if no Specials or Rares). Ambushers follow the rules on BRB pg. 79 with the exception that each turn after turn 2 that a unit misses the roll to enter the game, an additional die is rolled. IE, turn 4 a unit rolls 3 dice looking for one to roll the 3+ needed.
Objectives: Before deployment, roll a D6, high roll places their objective marker anywhere on the board. The other player places their objective marker anywhere outside of 18” from the first marker. Objective markers are not terrain and therefore do not block line of sight or hinder movement.
Scoring Units: Units that have at least 1 full rank with at least 1 command model or a character are a scoring unit. For skirmishers to be scoring units, they must have 5 skirmishers including 1 command or character model.
Ambushers: Players must hold 2 units in ambush. 1 unit must be a Core choice, the other a Special or Rare choice (both can be Core if no Specials or Rares). Ambushers follow the rules on BRB pg. 79 with the exception that each turn after turn 2 that a unit misses the roll to enter the game, an additional die is rolled. IE, turn 4 a unit rolls 3 dice looking for one to roll the 3+ needed.
I'm really thinking that I will hold the bolt thrower as the second unit. I really don't want to have to push my characters out of their bunkers and that is the only other special/rare unit that I have. I'm not worried about his ambushers as they can't charge the turn they come on. Same rule on the scoring units, except with this mission I don't need to worry about vanguarding or not, which will let me push the deployment, and then either vanguard into holes or back, creating an 18" gap.
Mission 4: The Main Forces Class
Deployment – Blood and Glory
Major – Break Your Opponent
Minor – Kill 3 Heroes or them all if less.
Tap Winds of Magic: In the Magic Phase after Winds of Magic are rolled, the player who’s turn it is can nominate a wizard to tap the Winds of Magic. That wizard will add D3 power dice to the pool, up to the limit of 12 dice. The wizard then takes the same number of D3 Strength 6 hits with saves allowed.
Tap Winds of Magic: In the Magic Phase after Winds of Magic are rolled, the player who’s turn it is can nominate a wizard to tap the Winds of Magic. That wizard will add D3 power dice to the pool, up to the limit of 12 dice. The wizard then takes the same number of D3 Strength 6 hits with saves allowed.
I will probably not ever use this ability to boost my power dice. Don't want to zap my own wizards. I suppose if I'm in a clutch position, their dispel scroll is gone, and i really want a few spells I may sacrifice some DFW... but I don't think that is likely.
Mission 5: Get a Message Back Home

Deployment – Above; using watchtower end of game rules
Deployment – Above; using watchtower end of game rules
Major – Move your Messenger off the back board edge.
Minor – Kill Opponent's Messanger.
Messenger: Select one model from a unit to be a Messenger. Models Stats are M6 WS4 S4 T4 W2 I3 A2 L8 with The Armor of Fortune and The Other Tricksters Shard. Messengers have a reputation for bad things happening to them, so no one can use their leadership but the Messenger himself if on his own. The messenger no longer is affected by any army wide rules (ie undead or daemonic). He may join units and if they are destroyed, he then must take an unmodified leadership test to not also be destroyed. He would be placed as close to the position the unit was destroyed, outside 1” of enemy/friendly units.
Clarification: Selecting a dark rider does change the models stats but he stays mounted. He must still use M6 though. But as he keeps the horse, he is still mounted and still has both fast cav and vanguard. Looks like he loses hatred: high elves though.
Plan: start close, vanguard, move 12" and put myself off the table turn 2. Escorted by bunker DFW and just moving out when able (of if minimum shooting/magic).
Well, thats NorthStar. Wish me luck.
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