Friday, October 18, 2013

What If High Elves – 2500 points

I have been playing around with High Elves; still thinking about them for 2014.  Leaning towards them would be a better way of saying it.  I need to decide for Waaagh!PACA and this is the way I'm leaning.  I've already put up that warpfire dragon stuff.  I'm still playing with my 2000 point list, but here was a first draft of a 2500 point list.  I'm leaning away from the dawnstone/reaver bow/potion of strength on the general, as well as the 5 man dragon princes and the level 2 death wizard.  I am leaning towards maybe using a BSB on a griffin, though I only have the one charmed shield and I like it on the general (can't have him dying before his mount after all).

Anointed of Asuryan, General, Flamespyre Phoenix, Dawnstone, The Reaver Bow, Charmed Shield, Potion of Strength

Dragon Mage of Caledor, Level 2, Dragon Armor, Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, Gem of Sunfire
Mage, Level 2, Lore of Death, Power Stone, Cloak of Beards, Elven Steed

6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, bows and spears
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, bows and spears
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, bows and spears
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, bows and spears
6 Ellyrian Reavers, musician, banner, bows and spears

5 Dragon Princes of Caledor, full command, star lance, dragonhelm, banner of the world dragon

Flamespyre Phoenix
Flamespyre Phoenix

I think this list would be fun to play.  The Flamespyre Phoenix doesn’t have the combat oomph of either the hydra or the frostheart (which is the best of the three), but the ability to blow away large chunks of blocks is cool.  It is a weapon of diminishing returns, but they can still fight and with 4 flying monsters, there is still a great ability to take out remnants late game.

I think the potion of strength combined with the reaver bow for a one turn 3 shots at strength 8 is cool.  Not sure where I would put it to use, but it would restrict someone’s interest in popping out a character or having a big monster running around.  Problem is the character will spend a lot of time marching and therefore not shooting.  But if I gave him combat stuff he would rarely be using it as the phoenix do their flying thing.  But at least a combat build could help with the phoenix's lack.

The dragon princes are there just for a bunker for the death wizard, since he can’t have an eagle.  Thinking of dropping the banner of world dragon as its 2 more knights, but it doubles as miscast protection since that’s a magical effect.  They still move fast, and with a musician, can always book it.  Took the star lance so they could shove into a monster or smaller unit or character if needed.  Star lance isn’t as effective as it would be on one of the mounted characters since the dragon prince already has a lance, but the ignoring armor could be just what the unit needs to push through that extra wound.
The list is lacking the +4 to dispel, but I really think that third phoenix is where it’s at, better than a second dragon would be – and much cheaper.  With the anointed starting with a MR of 2 and a free 4+ ward save really makes him death magic proof.  Does suck that he doesn’t have the Prince’s leadership of 10, and the charmed shield can’t be used in combat (which shouldn’t matter much).

I would be able to port most of my dark elf army over… I already have the reavers.  I also have the dragon in that warpfire dragon in need of a little paint love.   I would have to make 3 phoenix, one of which would need a fighting platform for a warlord.  I would also need to make the mounted mage and the dragon princes.

The hobby of the dragon princes in where I come up with the problems.  I hadn’t included any cold one riders for the reason that I didn’t want to have the second mounted unit to confuse my opponent since I have all those converted models.  This would create the same issue.  What I need is something that is a rat on a wolf.  My first thought would be to make another centaur style model, like the dark Pegasus.  Unfortunately, I don’t think that the rat ogre/marauder horse combination would work.  Those rat ogre torsos with arms are way too large for just a cavalry base.  Maybe I could use the better space wolf-wolves and use an armored beastman body to make a centaur – with a stormvermin head?

What they did to the dark elf book probably actually helps me out.  Warlocks could be fun, as could putting all of my characters on mounts instead of always worrying about the dark pegs getting shot.  Have to decide soon though, just a few months until WaaaghPACA.  Till then, I guess the hobby posts will tell how I decided.

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